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CEFAS24-105 Contract for services under OCPP in Bangladesh including shrimp heal ....
Buyer : Cefas
Provision of services under the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP) in Bangladesh including shrimp health surveillance, Greenhouse Gas Emission and microbial activity assessment, Black soldier fly farming development and marine litter analysis ....
Framework Contract for marine phytoplankton sample analysis.
Request for Quotation for Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ Chalk Ecology Video Analys ....
Buyer : natural england
The Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds Marine Conservation Zone (CSCB MCZ) along the north Norfolk coast is one of the most ecologically significant Marine Protected Areas for chalk habitats in the UK and Europe. It was designated in 2016 as part of Tranche 2 o ....
UKRI-2138 Business Process Modelling, management and analysis.Software
Buyer : uk research & innovation
software for Business Process Modelling, management and analysis. following negotiated procedure without prior publication in accordance with Regulation 32, (5),(b) of the PCR (2015)
Provision of service for quality assurance of NRW's CPET ring test sample analys ....
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) requires a three year contract for the provision of a quality assurance scheme that will help ensure the quality of our Chironomid Pupal Exuvial Technique (CPET) sample analysis.We require the provision of 4 ring tests, ....
Courier Services — Sample and Analysis.
Buyer : severn trent water limited
The transportation of temperature controlled laboratory samples around the Severn Trent region.
Buyer : HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are tendering for a partner to work alongside internal technical specialists in the development of web data analysis skills capability to enhance risking and compliance activity.
Tender for Asbestos Survey and Sample Analysis.
PCH will appoint 2 providers to undertake its Asbestos Survey and Sample Analysis requirements. The contract will be for a 3-year period with a further annual extension by agreement of/with PCH and confirmed in writing by PCH up to a maximum of 5 yea ....
Copernicus C3S_322 Regional Climate Reanalysis.
Buyer : European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
ECMWF as the Entrusted Entity for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) issued contracts for the production of regional reanalyses covering geographical areas of special interest to European users of climate services. The regional reanalyses ar ....
Buyer : Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
Department for Infrastructure Rivers Agency maps indicate that parts of the Royal Group of Hospitals (RGH) site are at risk of flooding. This Contract shall provide detailed flood modelling and flooding risk analysis for the site, to quantify the flo ....
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