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Proposed Carpark and Bio-Diversity Park Area at Ardmayle East, Boherlahan, Cashe ....
Buyer : Dualla Community Association CLG
This project consists of the construction of a new carparks area to be used as part of the overall development for the Community Hall. The Council as part of the upgrade of the village area is proposing to construct footpath to tie in with our propos ....
ICSH Legal Services - Legal Services to manage the merger of three Housing Assoc ....
Buyer : BCM Business Cost Management Limited
The Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) is currently project managing a merger of three housing associations involved in the provision of housing mainly to those with an intellectual disability. The aim of the project is to create a single entity ....
Drumchapel Housing Associations: Environmental Cleaning Services 2020
Buyer : Drumchapel Housing Co-operative Ltd
The successful candidate will be responsible for the external and internal cleaning of common areas in/to the employer’s tenanted properties including:— weekly close cleaning;— quarterly bin store/area cleaning;— quarterly close window cleani ....
Drumchapel Housing Associations: Environmental Cleaning Services 2020
Buyer : Kendoon Housing Association
The successful candidate will be responsible for the external and internal cleaning of common areas in/to the employer’s tenanted properties including: — weekly close cleaning; — quarterly bin store/area cleaning; — quarterly close window cle ....
Copperworks and Spire View Housing Associations' Close Cleaning Services
Buyer : Copperworks Housing Association
Quality and Price - MEAT
West of Scotland Housing Associations Contractors Framework.
Buyer : West of Scotland Housing Association
The Association has currently identified eight sites within Glasgow Lanarkshire and Ayrshire to develop over the next 4 years which could deliver approximately 350 houses for rent or low cost home ownership. Further develop opportunities will also be ....
Responsive Maintenance and Repair of Domestic Properties ( 2 Rural Housing Assoc ....
Buyer : East Midlands Housing Group
EMHG is tendering on behalf of one of 2 of its associated companies — Warwickshire Rural Housiing Association (WRHA) and Leicestershire Rural Housing Association (LRHA) for provision of property maintenance and repairs to circa 450 and 125 properti ....
On behalf of the 'Voices for tenants steering group' Sovereign Network Homes is seeking a research partner to produce a feasibility study to explore how arrangements could be put in place to give social tenants a stronger voice on the issues that mat ....
The Council of Reserve Forces' & Cadets' Associations (CRFCA) requires a single contractor to undertake the role of Principal Contractor for Project Aintree. The successful tenderer will be required to perform the duties of Principal Contractor ensur ....
The Council of Reserve Forces' & Cadets' Associations (CRFCA) requires a single contractor to undertake the role of Principal Contractor for Project Aintree. The successful tenderer will be required to perform the duties of Principal Contractor ensur ....
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