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Provision of a Cost of Care modelling system which calculates the fair cost of c ....
Buyer : The North Yorkshire Council
Provision of a Cost of Care modelling system which calculates the fair cost of care for placements in North Yorkshire Council's Health and Adult Social Care provider settings.
The scope of this project covers the calculation of VUCs and the specific objective of this work is to establish the feasibility of using econometrics to calculate VUCs. The first step of the project should apply the econometric approach to calculati ....
The scope of this project covers the calculation of VUCs and the specific objective of this work is to establish the feasibility of using econometrics to calculate VUCs. The first step of the project should apply the econometric approach to calculati ....
Preliminary Market Consultation for: Supply or design of a system/application to ....
Buyer : Teagasc
See attached Documentation for further information
2021/1014 - Market Soundings for business intelligence software that provides sa ....
Buyer : Houses of the Oireachtas Service
Market soundings for business intelligence software that provides a comprehensive suite of salary reports plus the capability to calculate Single Public Service Pension Scheme annual referable amounts for scheme participants.The Houses of the Oireach ....
SBC CP RFQ Research Consultants to Calculate Pupil Yields from New Housing
Buyer : SE Shared Services
In order to calculate the impact of a new housing development on school places Slough applies its current Pupil Yield Rates to the number and type of dwellings proposed. These Pupil Yield Rates allow the Authority to forecast how many children by eac ....
BIG001-0960 Offsetting the Fund's calculated carbon footprint 2017/18
Buyer : Big Lottery Fund
The Fund is seeking to procure a service provider to offset our calculated carbon footprint for 2017/18 (1151 tonnes). The Service Provider will ensure that our offset fund enables successful community carbon projects within the UK, which would other ....
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