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Monitoring of contaminants in UK cereals used for processing food and animal feed
CivTech Challenge 10.1 - How can technology identify and measure firefighter exp ....
Buyer : Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Firefighters are routinely exposed to a variety of contaminants during and after fire incidents. These contaminants can include chemical, biological, and particulate matter that pose significant health risks. The issue of contaminant exposure is both ....
RDE617 Contaminants testing of sediment and water samples in The Wash
Buyer : Natural England
Lab analysis of water & sediment samples for contaminants (hydrocarbons, metals, pesticides & nutrients). Samples are taken from intertidal cockle beds in The Wash, with the aim of identifying environmental pressures contributing to shellfish ....
Installation of sinks and ancillary items across the GMFRS estate
GMCA 577c Managing Contaminants - Kit list
Buyer : greater manchester combined authority
A variety of goods to support the Managing Contaminants upgrade to 38 stations in GMFRS, including Canopies, sinks, taps and associated items Appointed by Direct Award under the Fusion 21 Framework agreement: Material Supply and Associated Services L ....
Defra awarded contract for Marine Evidence based Sensitivity Assessments of mari ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
This is a contract award for Marine Evidence based Sensitivity Assessments of marine habitats and species to contaminants - additional works through the Research Development and Evidence Framework
Award of Chemical Contaminants in Fish: Literature Review
Buyer : Food Standards Scotland (FSS)
Food Standards Scotland requires a Contractor to conduct a review of scientific and grey literature pertaining to chemical contaminants found in fish and fisheries products in Scotland and the UK
Contaminants monitoring programme for wild caught fish, crustaceans and cephalop ....
Buyer : the food standards agency
On 15 January 2022 a new format of Export Health Certificate comes into force for products of animal origin (POAO) including fishery products for export to the European Union and Northern Ireland. Included in the list of requirements for which the Ce ....
ITT21-035 - Programme and Laboratory Support Services -Residue and Contaminants ....
Buyer : Marine Institute
Request for Tenders for the Supply of Programme and Laboratory Support Services pertaining to the Marine Institute’s role as Official Laboratory /National Reference Laboratory delivering outputs required under EU Residue and Contaminants Legislatio ....
Buyer : the food standards agency
This project is to re-procure the contract for the UK National Reference Laboratory for Food Contaminants from the 1st April 2021 for four years (incorporating a two-year break point for review in 2023). The FSA will confirm if they wish to proceed w ....
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