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PRJ2145 Kings College Hospital Contract Modification
Buyer : NHS South East London Integrated Care Board
Contract Modification Notice for the Rough Sleeping Outreach Service
Buyer : City of London Corporation
Provision of Landfill Services Contract Modification
Buyer : Glasgow City Council
Contract Modification Notice for the IUPC Laboratory Gases and Associated Equipm ....
Contract Modification of original contract agreement through CCS Framework RM6193 - Software Design and Implementation Services. Bristol & Weston NHS Purchasing Consortium (BWPC) are NHS employees hosted by North Bristol NHS Trust whose specialis ....
Modification to the contract NHS England hold with PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP for Frontline Digitisation Support. The modification is for an increase in contract value for the current term and an extension of term of 4 months. The modification aligns ....
Defence Contract Analysis and Reporting System (DefCARS) contract modification
DescriptionThis VEAT notice explains the SSRO's intention to increase the maximum value of its contract dated 10 January 2022 with Risual Limited (the "Contract") for the design, build, migration, support, and development of the SSRO's Defence Contra ....
Neighbourhood Planning Support Services - Contract Modification
Buyer : department for levelling up, housing and communities
This notice is in relation to modification of an existing Contract, pursuant to regulation 72(1)(b) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and is published for transparency purposes. The modification involves continued provision of Neighbourhood P ....
Modification to the contract NHS England hold for the Digital Maturity Assessments to include Primary Care Settings for a value of £1,470,000 In accordance with Regulation 72(1)(b) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
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