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Buyer : Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
The MARLIN STAR project assesses the market and social conditions for implementation of floating offshore wind energy generation, storage and transfer in Bangladesh and India. A socio-technical approach will be used to inform the design, to optimise ....
Controllable Floating Module - Marlin Star
Buyer : offshore renewable energy catapult
Award of contract only.
Cryogen-free Cryomagnetic System with Controllable Temperature in the Sample Spa ....
Buyer : University of Nottingham
Supply, installation and maintenance of a cryogen-free cryomagnetic system with controllable temperature in the sample space. Installation and commissioning of the equipment to be completed and invoiced by 30 June 2020.
Cryogen-free Cryomagnetic System with Controllable Temperature in the Sample Spa ....
Buyer : University of Nottingham
Supply, installation and maintenance of a cryogen-free cryomagnetic system with controllable temperature in the sample space. Installation and commissioning of the equipment to be completed and invoiced by 30 June 2020.
Supply, installation and maintenance of a Cryogen Free cryomagnetic system with controllable temperature in the sample space. Installation and commissioning of the equipment to be completed and invoiced by 30/06/2020.
Cryogen Free Cryomagnetic System with Controllable Temperature in the Sample Spa ....
Buyer : University of Nottingham
Supply, installation and maintenance of a Cryogen Free cryomagnetic system with controllable temperature in the sample space. Installation and commissioning of the equipment to be completed and invoiced by 30.6.2020.
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