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CT1168 Flexible Purchasing Framework opening - Accredited Pathways and Certified ....
Buyer : The City of Edinburgh Council
Counsellors - Associate Therapists 2023-2026
Buyer : lancashire constabulary
To continue with the services of a number of existing Associate Therapists and note the appointment of 5 additional therapists over the last 12 months to provide a professional therapist service for the force for the period 1st November 2023 to 31st ....
HCC - 04/23 - The Provision of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors an ....
Buyer : hertfordshire county council - childrens services
Hertfordshire County Council went out out to procurement for the provision of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors and Counsellors The Contract was awarded to:- Katie Price, Lesley Pemberton, The Yellow Butterfly Room (t/a The Butterfly Roo ....
Counsellors - Associate Therapists
Buyer : lancashire constabulary
The external associate therapist service is vital to the continued well-being of our staff, has been widely used and is working excellently. We would request approval to continue with the services of the seventeen current associate therapists and to ....
Award of Framework for School Counsellors
Buyer : Stirling Council
This is for a school counselling service to help to strengthen the current supports that Stirling has in place for children and young people and to provide a further level of support at an earlier and more preventative stage of intervention. The scho ....
CT1168 - Accredited Pathways and Certified Counsellors and Therapists
Buyer : City of Edinburgh Council
The City of Edinburgh Council is seeking to create a Framework of providers in line with the National Improvement Framework for Education. The vision for education in Edinburgh is to ensure excellence by raising attainment and improving outcomes thro ....
CT1168 - Accredited Pathways and Certified Counsellors and Therapists
Buyer : The City of Edinburgh Council
HCC - 04/23 - The Provision of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors an ....
Buyer : Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council is currently out to procurement for the Provision of of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors and Counsellors.Further information in regards to this opportunity can be found in II.2.4 and VI.3 below. Organisation ....
HCC - 04/23 - The Provision of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors an ....
Buyer : hertfordshire county council - childrens services
Hertfordshire County Council is currently out to procurement for the provision of Safe Space Art Therapists/Clinical Supervisors and Counsellors The Contract requires; Lot 1 - Art Therapist - You will be expected to deliver Individual Art / Drama / P ....
TUS-CMS - Provision of a Case Management System (CMS) for use by TUS Psychologic ....
Buyer : Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUSMM)
The Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS) is seeking tenders for the provision of a Case Management System (CMS) for use by TUS Psychological Counsellors. The successful tenderer shall:•Design and Develop the CMS for TUS ( ....
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