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LIFE N2K Prioritisation of features at a Wales level-Multi-Criteria Decision Ana ....
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
Natura 2000 exists to conserve some of the rarest and most threatened wild habitats and species in Europe. The LIFE Natura 2000 Programme is developing a strategic forward plan to manage and restore Natura 2000 species, habitats and sites in Wales. W ....
Woolwich AS Provision. The delivery of an AS is required, each Part will be acce ....
Buyer : Ministry of Defence
The delivery of an AS is required, each Part will be accepted by the DIO Project Manager once it has met the criteria as set out in the TSOR, and the supporting evidence has been provided in the form of a report and presentation from the Consultant.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is seeking to procure a Contractor to provide a set of criteria which will be used by the Collaboration of Offshore Wind Strategic Compensation (COWSC) programme to determine whether meas ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
We require the proposal to provide the following:I. A report summarising existing relevant innovations in the field of adult social care eligibility criteria (prioritisation) where the range of innovation is from highly valued settings and where chal ....
Buyer : Government Digital Service
GOV.UK Roadmap Missions - Provision of capabilities for 60 minute 1-to-1 interviews. Provision to use other research methods, e.g. telephone interviews or online card sorting or online card sorting, as well as the potential for external observation f ....
GB-Sutton Coldfield: MoD Airfield Physical Criteria Surveys 2017-18
Buyer : DIO, Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)
To undertake Airfield Physical Criteria Surveys for 2017-18 at seven locations.
Consultancy services to develop specification and criteria to replace Environmen ....
Buyer : Dumfries and Galloway Council
A consultant is required to develop procurement specifications and criteria for a management system to replace the end-of-contract and dated system that is currently in place. The consultant will be required to process-map Environmental Health and Tr ....
RFT for an online Green Public Procurement (GPP) Criteria Selection tool to faci ....
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
Development and hosting of an online solution to allow the user to rapidly find the relevant Irish Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for inclusion in procurement documents.
The Department for Transport (DfT) is seeking external Advice and Guidance on the incorporation of risk in a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework. The Advanced Analytics Division (an operational research and data science team) within the Departme ....
Financial Reports Housing - Financial reports such as capital economic appraisal ....
Buyer : Dublin City Council
Dublin City Council (DCC) applies for social housing capital funding from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) in accordance with its 4 stage capital approval process.In order to progress housing regeneration capital funde ....
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