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Software Licence for Council Tax, housing benefit, housing benefit overpayments, ....
Buyer : capitalEsourcing
The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (RBKC) has awarded a service contract to Civica UK Limited for the delivery of software licences for Council Tax, housing benefit, housing benefit overpayments, business rates and business improvement dis ....
23021 Provision for Cambridgeshire districts 'Get set and Grow business support ....
Buyer : cambridgeshire county council
This is a short soft market test to engage the market before we look to publish to ensure our approach is suitable for the market.r r The Council, working with our local district Council partners, is looking to provide a business support programme to ....
TCC001360E / TCC001361E - Provision of Services for Building Energy Rating (BER) ....
Buyer : Tipperary County Council
Provision of Services for Building Energy Rating (BER) Services to Tipperary County Council Lot 1 - North Districts TCC001360E and Lot 2 - South Districts TCC001361E, Co. Tipperary
Grass Cutting Service Contract - Limerick Municipal Districts
Buyer : Limerick City and County Council
Limerick City and County Council are establishing a multi-party framework for suitable Grass Cutting Service Contractors. The works/services are in three lots, at locations identified in the attached schedule of areas (appendix E). applicants can ind ....
E-Payments- Partnership with Districts
Buyer : Staffordshire County Council
Provision of E-Payments system including POS hardware
GLA 81771 - Digital Districts Feasibility Study
Buyer : transport for london
Digital Districts Feasibility Study
Proposed Framework agreement to provide pest control treatment and control in th ....
Buyer : bromsgrove district council
Proposed Framework agreement to provide pest control treatment and control in the Bromsgrove, Redditch, Wychavon, and Wyre Forest, districts of Worcestershire - ....
Graffiti Guidance for Local Authorities, Business Improvement Districts and Inde ....
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
To examine existing research into financial and other costs related to graffiti and fly-posting and present a robust estimate of financial costs associated with cleaning up graffiti and fly-posting. To explore current LA practices as related to graff ....
Street Ambassador Services for the Cheapside Business Alliance (CBA) and the Ald ....
Buyer : City of London Corporation
Contract Award Notice
Consultancy Services for Glasgow City Centre Districts Strategy Regeneration
Buyer : Glasgow City Council
The council invites tender bids for the provision of consultancy services to produce 4 District Regeneration Frameworks (DRF’s) for Glasgow City Council’s City Centre Regeneration Group. These are the final 4 DRFs for Glasgow city centre and rela ....
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