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Contract for the Labour only domestic boiler installation
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
Project Description - Removal of the existing boiler. Installation of a new Client-supplied boiler and associated components. Connection to existing pipework, radiators, and flue (where suitable), Testing, commissioning, and certification of the new ....
Domestic Appliances for Hopestead
Buyer : Flagship Housing Group
The provision of Domestic Appliances For Hopestead
Framework for Repairs and Maintenance to Domestic Vacant Properties
Buyer : Cardiff Council
The domestic property portfolio of the Council comprises a mixture of social housing approximately 14318 properties in number and other properties. The domestic property portfolio consists of Houses Bungalows Low Rise Blocks of Flats High Rise Blocks ....
Electrical Repairs in LCC Domestic & Non-Domestic Properties City Wide
Buyer : Leicester City Council
Leicester City Council invites Tenders for the provision of an electrical repair service for domestic and non-domestic properties in the city of Leicester.
Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Services: Second Stage Accommodation
Buyer : Leicester City Council
The domestic abuse BME second stage safe accommodation must be sole purpose with appropriately trained and experienced staff. This service must provide a minimum nine units of self-contained single sex second stage domestic abuse safe accommodation i ....
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 has implemented a statutory requirement on Local Authorities to ensure there is a safe accommodation strategy for individuals subjected to domestic abuse. Mobile Advocacy is a key part of the Peterborough Safe Accommodatio ....
The Provision of Repairs and Servicing for Domestic Appliances across all Hillingdon Council Assets for the Assets & Development teams within our PLACE section of department. Our property portfolio includes a mix of housing types, such as houses, ....
Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Service Including Refuge
Buyer : Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council are seeking tenders from experienced organisations that are interested in providing Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Services including Refuge to support domestic abuse victims including their children with saf ....
Domestic Smoke Alarm Replacement
Buyer : Perth & Kinross Council
Replacement of smoke alarms in domestic properties
Buyer : Perth & Kinross Council
Domestic kitchen replacements
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