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The purpose of this tender is to put in place a framework agreement to procure streetlighting electrical connections services. The framework agreement will consist of five lots, ofwhich two of the lots will be distribution network operator (DNO) geog ....
256_24 Highway Electrical Connections provided by Independent Connection Provide ....
Buyer : Espo
This is a Prior Information Notice where the tender documentation is not yet available. However, interest in this opportunity (Expressions of interest) can still be registered (see below on details of how to complete). A national framework agreement ....
256_16 Highway Electrical Connections Provided by Independent Connection Provide ....
Buyer : ESPO
ESPO is seeking to establish a national framework for the provision of highway electrical connections on Distribution Network Operators and Independent Distribution Network Operators networks ('Contestable' Works) and highway electrical connections o ....
GMCA Street Lighting Electrical Connections Framework Agreement
Buyer : Wigan Council
The purpose of this tender is to put in place a framework agreement to procure street lighting electrical connections services. The framework agreement will consist of five lots, of which two of the lots will be distribution network operator (DNO) ge ....
Phase 2C, which includes the development of two residential blocks, a row of terraced houses, a community centre and an energy centre. This contract refers to the new electrical supply for the Colville 2C site and the new homes. This is an essential ....
Buyer : Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Electrical connections and associated works to illuminated street furniture on networks owned by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), Independent Distribution Network Operators (IDNOs), as well as privately owned networks. Procurement of this contr ....
Further Competition award for the provision of Highway Electrical Connections_2023, using YPO DPS 925 Cat 1.r r Provision of appropriately qualified and experienced resources in supporting the Customer's in house operational street lighting teams, by ....
PLACE501 - BSIP Real Time Information Electrical Connections
Buyer : derbyshire county council
RTI (Real Time Information) was identified via public survey as one of the top three improvements required to improve bus travel within the County. To enable the electrical installation of the units within the highway a HERS certified electrician was ....
SW21/CI/1347 - Electrical Connections
Buyer : Scottish Water
Scottish Water requires a framework for the design, installation and testing of electrical connections either for a first-time supply, or as an upgrade to existing sites. This will include all materials, plant, manpower and equipment, etc. necessary ....
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