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Employment Support for unemployed and economically inactive people in Sheffield ....
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
The ESF is part of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme for England in 2014 to 2020. The European Commission (EC) owns these programmes and sets the Europe-wide ESF Programme requirements. The EC governs this Programme ....
Provision of Construction Skills Courses for Unemployed Young People
Buyer : Wrexham County Borough Council
Wrexham County Borough Council is seeking to appoint an organisation to provide a service of Construction Skills courses for unemployed young people (aged 16-18) with barriers to employment.This Service will be offered to participants who are engaged ....
Employer Engagement and Essential Work Skills for Employed GM Residents (Test an ....
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority
GMCA sought to procure a Workforce Development package of support and access to Essential Skills for Work, that truly meets the needs of Employers and their Workforce and provides an opportunity to build upon previous workforce development activities ....
Research Contract - Quantitative survey of employed and self-employed individuals aged 16 to 75 years and living in Great Britain to understand their experiences of health and wellbeing at work
Phase 2 Project Management - Consultancy or employed PT
Buyer : The Penllergare Trust
Penllergare Phase 2 Project Manager: Consultancy Contract / Paid Employee (Negotiable) – circa 2 yearsThe Penllergare Trust, a pioneering independent charitable company established in 2000, is progressing an ambitious landscape restoration scheme a ....
UK SPF Opportunity Sheffield Employment Support for Economically Inactive and So ....
Buyer : Sheffield City Council
A suite of community-based employment support projects. Lot 1: Targeted Support. Lot 2: Specialist Health Provision. Lot 3: Employment Support. Lot 4: Engagement Courses. This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperi ....
UK SPF Opportunity Sheffield Employment Support for Economically Inactive and So ....
Buyer : sheffield city council
A suite of community-based employment support projects. Lot 1: Targeted Support. Lot 2: Specialist Health Provision. Lot 3: Employment Support. Lot 4: Engagement Courses. This project is part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperi ....
2022/1036 - Provision of a Workplace Support Programme for Members of the Houses ....
Buyer : Houses of the Oireachtas Service
The Houses of the Oireachtas Service (“the Service”), acting for and on behalf of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (“the Contracting Authority”) wishes to engage a service provider to provide a Workplace Support Programme for the Membe ....
Supply and Delivery of Employability Services for Unemployed Disabled Parents
Buyer : Glasgow City Council
To deliver a service to engage with unemployed disabled parents with children under 16, who do not currently engage with employability services. The aim is to understand parents’ views and need in relation to pursuing employment, with a view to ref ....
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