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Walton Street Office - 2No Rainwater Pipes to left hand side of steps of front e ....
Buyer : Buckinghamshire Council
2No Rainwater Pipes to left hand side of steps of front elevation
079 -External Redecoration of Front Elevation of C Block Including Refectory
Buyer : Coleg Gwent
You are invited by the Coleg Gwent Further Education Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Client’) to submit a tender for the External Redecoration of Front Elevation of C Block including Refectory at City of Newport Campus, Nash Road.Ten ....
Pointing to front elevations of six terraced properties
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
Contract description•The removal of existing pointing to the front elevation of four terraced houses•Re-point mortar joints•Temporarily take off rain water down pipes and reinstate after pointing is completeAll the front elevation brickwork is ....
Buyer : Charing Cross Housing Association Ltd
CAPABILITY & PRICE The submissions will be evaluated on the basis of capability and price with the ESPD given as a pass/fail. It is important that the capability document is returned with the form of tender.
PRP056 - Remove and Replace timber beam to the front elevation at Middleton Top ....
Buyer : Derbyshire County Council
Remove and Replace timber beam to the front elevation at Middleton Top Engine House, Rise End, Middleton Derbyshire DE4 4LS
SBC Prj 1586A Leigh Library - Relaying of front elevation of roof and repairs to ....
Buyer : Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
The Council are seeking a suitably qualified contractor for the relaying of the front elevation of the roof and repairs to guttering at Leigh Library. The procurement process will be conducted electronically via the Council's e-tender facility Pro-Co ....
CP2938 - Remove and Replace timber beam to the front elevation at Middleton Top ....
Buyer : Derbyshire County Council
Remove and Replace timber beam to the front elevation at Middleton Top Engine House, Rise End, Middleton Derbyshire DE4 4LS
079 -External Redecoration of Front Elevation of C Block Including Refectory
Buyer : Coleg Gwent
You are invited by the Coleg Gwent Further Education Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Client’) to submit a tender for the External Redecoration of Front Elevation of C Block including Refectory at City of Newport Campus, Nash Road.Ten ....
Pointing to front elevations of five terraced properties
Buyer : Flintshire County Council
Contract description•The removal of existing pointing to the front elevation of four terraced houses•Re-point mortar joints•Temporarily take off rain water down pipes and reinstate after pointing is completeAll the front elevation brickwork is ....
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