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The City Corporation is seeking to appoint a training organisation to provide classroom-based (to clarify - not online or blended delivery) intensive 4-5 week (Monday through to Friday) functional skills training in English and mathematics - primaril ....
Pathways to Progression - Functional Skills Delivery for NEET 16-18 Year Old's
Buyer : Doncaster Childrens Services Trust
GMCA 1066 Functional Skills Training and Certification (Level 2 - Maths and Engl ....
Buyer : Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) sought to procure Functional Skills provision on behalf of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS). GMCA is an Employer-Provider delivering the Level 3 Operational Firefighter Standard to its Ap ....
Apprenticeships Functional Skills English and Maths Support
Compulsory Functional English and Maths Support for level 2 for learners completing Apprenticeships to meet requirements as per the Apprenticeship Standard.
The University requires the appointed Supplier to be registered on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers as either a Main or Supporting Provider and shall deliver the services in accordance with the ESFA Funding Rules for Training Provide ....
Award via CCS Learning and Training Service DPS RM6219
Call off Contract Under Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System for Functiona ....
Buyer : ministry of justice
Call off Contract Under Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System for Functional Skills in English and Maths Outreach Programme for Residents of HMP Low Newton
Award of a call off contract under the Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing Syste ....
Buyer : ministry of justice
Award of a call off contract under the Prison Education Dynamic Purchasing System for Functional Skills for residents of HMP The Verne. Literacy and Numeracy support for 12 months
Award of a Call Off Contract under the Ministry of Justice Prison Education DPS ....
Buyer : ministry of justice
Award of a Call Off Contract under the Ministry of Justice Prison Education DPS providing support for lower level functional skills for residents of HMP Hatfield
Functional Skills Virtual Assessments for Upskilled NHS Staff
Buyer : Health Education England
100% digitally secure functional skills’ assessments and remote invigilation for NHS employers to provide their learners with functional skills according to skills, mix, and need. ....
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