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Opportunity Sheffield is seeking a range of providers to deliver a community-focused / hyper-local employment support project with an innovative approach to engaging economically inactive participants within different types of community settings. Foc ....
IBM Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex Licence and Support.
HRB 2022 Evidence review - HRB 2022 Integrative review on placed-based and other ....
Buyer : The Health Research Board
The Health Research Board (HRB) is Ireland’s lead public funding agency supporting innovative health research and delivering data and evidence that improves people’s health and patient care. We are committed to putting people first, and ensuring ....
The Provision of 2 Geographically Based Long Term Care and Support Contracts
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
On 23/07/2017 a Contract Notice (2017/S 140-287970) was published on OJEU seeking to award 5 geographically based long term care and 2 geographically based reablement contracts. Following the procurement, 3 of the 5 geographically based long term car ....
The provision of 5 geographically based long term care and support contracts and ....
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
Long term care and support care packages.
Cottsway (geographically selected properties)- Responsive Maintenance, Servicing ....
Buyer : Cottsway Housing Association
The work will consist of carrying out void property works and responsive repairs to those areas identified below. Works will be priced using the NHMF Schedule of Rates 6.3 with tendered adjustment.Works will/can also include for the gas and Airsource ....
Opportunity Sheffield is seeking a range of providers to deliver a community-focused / hyper-local employment support project with an innovative approach to engaging economically inactive participants within different types of community settings. Foc ....
The provision of 2 geographically based long term care and support contracts
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
On 23.7.2017 a Contract Notice (2017/S 140-287970) was published on OJEU seeking to award five geographically based long term care and 2 geographically based reablement contracts. Following the procurement, 3 of the 5 geographically based long term c ....
The provision of five geographically based long term care and support contracts ....
Buyer : London Borough of Camden
The Supporting People at Home model aims to deliver support on a localised, neighbourhood basis by building a collaborative partnership approach between GPs, social workers, community nursing, therapists, palliative care services, home care workers a ....
Cottsway (geographically selected properties)- Responsive Maintenance, Servicing ....
Buyer : Cottsway Housing Association
The work will consist of carrying out void property works and responsive repairs to those areas identified below. Works will be priced using the NHMF Schedule of Rates 6.3 with tendered adjustment.Works will/can also include for the gas and Airsource ....
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