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Cheltenham Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) Action Plan
Buyer : Cheltenham Borough Council
Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) is the name given to greenspace that is of a quality and type which is suitable for use as mitigation to offset the impact of new residential development on European sites. The purpose of SANG is to prov ....
Construction of a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace within existing agricu ....
Buyer : Eastleigh Borough Council
This project derives from an increase in development within the borough and the need to mitigate against the impact of visits to the New Forest by providing recreational spaces closer to the residents of Eastleigh Borough Council. The site comprise ....
Planning Agent for St Catherine's Wood Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace ( ....
Buyer : Surrey Heath Borough Council
to commission a suitably qualified and experienced Planning Agent to support the Council in the preparation and submission of a planning application for the creation of a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) at St Catherine's Wood in Camber ....
To support the delivery of the HSA Greenspace Investment Programme though the pr ....
Buyer : Hull City Council
To support the delivery of the HSA Greenspace Investment Programme though the provision of concept drawings informed by community engagement.
Malton Castlegate and Greenspaces Project
Buyer : North Yorkshire Council
Feasibility work. A single high-level study is now required which will outline the feasibility of the initiatives identified in the Castlegate and Greenspace Options Appraisal Report. The feasibility study will provide costings and deliverability of ....
Buyer : Dorset Council
The Council went to tender to seek providers to enter into a Framework Agreement for the provision of range of ‘Greenspace’ Services and supplies at various delivery locations throughout the County of Dorset.The lots awarded are as follows:4 – ....
Buyer : Dorset Council
The Council is seeking tenders to establish a Framework Agreement with suitable Contractors for a wide range of Countryside Services and supplies at various delivery locations throughout the County of Dorset.r r The Framework is split into the follow ....
Railway Fields Local Nature Reserve is located just off Green Lanes and is Haringey's most unique conservation site. At the heart of the Green Flag Award winning open space sits an educational resource centre providing conservation and wildlife activ ....
Greenspaces Strategy - Awarded to Knight Kavanagh & Page Ltd
Buyer : reigate & banstead borough council
Greenspaces Strategy - The Council's Greenspaces Department is responsible for a range of services including arboriculture management, countryside management, grounds maintenance for parks and open spaces, play area provision and maintenance, and oth ....
PKC11543 Amenity Greenspace Framework
Buyer : Perth & Kinross Council
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