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UK SBS - DDaT22286 - Image Analysis Platform
Buyer : uk shared business services limited
***Please note this is an award notice, not a call for competition*** UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) had a requirement for the provision of an Image Analysis Platform. This has been sourced via a competitive quotation procedure.
GB-Lowestoft: Shellfish Image Analysis
Buyer : Cefas
Develop artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms needed to automatize the camera system in place.
Mechanical Serial Sectioning with Etching for Optical and/or SEM Image Analysis ....
Buyer : The University Of Manchester
The University wish to purchase a mechanical serial sectioning with etching for optical and/or SEM image analysis system. For the purposes of this tender the machines identified and required are being treated as 4 separate lots.
CEFAS20-23 - Image Analysis (The Canyons)
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
-Detailed instructions are provided in the imagery specification document provided. -Tenderers are required to demonstrate experience of identification of deep-water epibiota and habitats. Familiarity with morphospecies and assigned Operational Taxon ....
Award For Digital Slide Scanner plus Data Management and Image Analysis Software ....
Buyer : University of Glasgow
Award tice for PURCH1625 provision of a contract agreement for digital slide scanner plus data management and image analysis software system.
Cytogenetic/Molecular Cytogenetic Image Analysis System Upgrade
Buyer : NHS Grampian
Cytogenetic/Molecular Cytogenetic Image Analysis System Upgrade.
Bacteriology Automation; incubation and image analysis systems.
Buyer : Public Health England
What we are purchasing:Automated bacteriology incubation and digital imaging system.Reason for Voluntary ex ante transparency notice:During the OJEU Open tender submission document supplier stated that they will be the sole provider of the system, ho ....
NCA2_0224_Image analysis XD Software_QMRI_LT_0314.
Buyer : University Of Edinburgh
Image analysis software for automated batch processing of: object segmentation, 3D reconstruction, compartmentalisation, pathological scoring, and object spatio-temporal localisation, as well as automated intensity, area, size, morphological, and col ....
PBCAP - Cytogenetic Image Analysis System & Associated Services.
Buyer : North Bristol NHS Trust
Provision of a Cytogenetic Image Analysis System which incorporates software modules and hardware to facilitate, multi-operator access including capture and analysis of G-banded chromosomes and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) preparations, a ....
Cytogenetic image analysis system
Buyer : Our Ladys Childrens Hospital, Crumlin
Genetic image analysis system to include 1. Metaphase scan and capture (automated and manual)2. Manual capture station for G-band3. Manual FISH capture station4. Analysis & database5. Data migration (historical data)
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