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Business Wales and Social Business Wales Economic Impact Assessment
Buyer : Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
To undertake an Economic Impact assessment quantifying the impact of the Business Wales service and Social Business Wales service, this would include measuring the four-year survival of firms assisted by BW, GVA uplift of investment / cost per job cr ....
Wales Coast Path Impact Assessment & Future Planning - £80-100k
Buyer : Welsh Government
7.Short description of requirementThe Wales Coast Path (WCP) marks its 10th anniversary in 2022. The Welsh Government and partners are interested in commissioning two linked pieces of work:i.Economic Impact Study. Measure the Return on Investment (RO ....
Economic, Social, Health and Wellbeing Impact assessment on behalf of Adra(Tai) ....
Buyer : Adra (Tai) Cyf
Economic, social, health and wellbeing impact assessment. Please see tender documents.Asesiad effaith economeg, cymdeithasol, iechyd a lles- gweler dogfennau tendro.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information ....
Economic, Social, Health and Wellbeing Impact assessment on behalf of Adra(Tai) ....
Buyer : Adra (Tai) Cyf
Adra (Tai) Cyfyngedig wishes to commission an Economic, Social, Health and Wellbeing Impact assessment report of Adra’s work over the last 5 years (2015-2020), particularly resulting from the delivery of our Corporate Plans (2015-2018 and 2019-2022 ....
Education, Skills and Training Impact Assessment in relation to Wylfa Newydd
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced specialist to provide capacity, expertise, and knowledge to support and advise the IACC in relation to Eduation, Skills and Training impacts and mitigatio ....
Tourism Impact Assessment in relation to Wylfa Newydd
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
The Isle of Anglesey County Council (IACC) wish to procure a suitably qualified and experienced specialist to provide capacity, expertise, and knowledge to support and advise the IACC in relation to tourism impacts and opportunities from the Wylfa Ne ....
Equality Impact Assessment Training and Consultancy
Buyer : South Wales Fire and Rescue Service
BackgroundSWFRS developed its Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) process in consultation with the community and staff in 2005. All SWFRS policies, processes, job descriptions, projects and contracts receive an EIA.All existing policies have received EI ....
Environmental Impact Assessment, Site Investigation and Master Planning for the ....
Buyer : nhs wales shared services partnership-procurement services (hosted by velindre university nhs trust)
Cwm Taf Local Health Board are investigating the options for the future use of Mountain Ash and Aberdare General Hospitals when they become surplus to requirements in 2011. The Health Board wish to appoint a suitably qualified organisation to underta ....
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and advice on Heritage Matters relating t ....
Buyer : West Oxfordshire District Council
We wish to develop a clearer understanding of the potential impacts of the proposed development and to commission advice and support in relation to Landscape and Visual impacts of the proposed development including, where relevant, the impact on heri ....
Northam Rail Bridge Environmental Impact Assessment Further Competition Under ES ....
Buyer : Southampton City Council
Southampton City Council (SCC) is inviting tenders from suitably qualified suppliers to deliver an Environmental Impact Assessment for the A3024 Northam Rail Bridge replacement project. SCC is issuing this Invitation to Tender as a Further Competitio ....
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