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Drainage Investigation and Maintenance Framework
Buyer : City Of Sunderland
Drainage Investigation and Maintenance works
Homes England is seeking a ground investigation contractor to provide sufficient ground related works to enable Homes England's and prospective developers to understand the ground conditions and any associated risks. The site is located on the former ....
Structural / Civil Engineer Bank Investigation - Alderman Canal
Buyer : Ipswich Borough Council
Ipswich Borough Council are currently out to tender for the provision of Structural / Civil Engineer This opportunity is available in the `Current Tenders` area of portal. Interested parties are invited to express their interest to gain full access t ....
This Pipeline Notice is seeking Expressions of Interest from suppliers who can provide the full range of Ground Investigations (GI) Services throughout the UK and Ireland. The GI Services will inform the design of electrical assets including, but not ....
Framework for Site Investigation and Materials Testing Services
Buyer : Dorset Council
Dorset Council has a requirement for site investigation and materials testing services in the delivery of construction/maintenance projects. The requirements include; • Field and laboratory testing of civil engineering materials (including but not ....
The purpose of this service is to survey properties, carry out damp and mould investigative works, create reports and carry out remedial works.
This project will undertake an investigation into the factors that impact freight braking (deceleration) in low-adhesion conditions, with a focus on understanding the interactions between various influences and how they differ from those observed in ....
Fraserburgh Harbour Ground Investigation
Buyer : Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners
This a two stage procurement exercise with SPD as the first stage, shortlisting 3 to 5 tenderers to progress to ITT stage for the Ground Investigation Works associated with the Fraserburgh Harbour Masterplan (FHMP)
Dynamic Purchasing System for Drainage Investigations and CCTV Surveys - ON-GOIN ....
Buyer : Carmarthenshire County Council
This Contract Notice is to inform the market that the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Drainage Investigations and CCTV Surveys has been extended for one year until 30th November 2025, in accordance with the DPS Agreement and orig ....
Delivery of Environmental Investigation and Pollution Response Works and Service ....
Buyer : Southern Water Services Ltd.
The contracting authority invites tenders for the delivery of environmental investigation and pollution response works and services. The framework duration will be four years with an option to extend for up to a further four years in one-year increme ....
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