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Gwella Mynediad a Chysylltedd 2 - Menter Glannau Caernarfon - Access & Linkages ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Mae Caernarfon yn gyrchfan dwristiaeth eiconig o bwys cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol, ac mae Castell Caernarfon yn rhan o Safle Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO. Mae gan y dref yr asedau hanesyddol, diwylliannol a naturiol gorau yng Nghymru. Mae'r dref wedi gwel ....
Gwella Mynediad a Chysylltedd 2 - Menter Glannau Caernarfon - Access & Linkages ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
Mae Caernarfon yn gyrchfan dwristiaeth eiconig o bwys cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol, ac mae Castell Caernarfon yn rhan o Safle Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO. Mae gan y dref yr asedau hanesyddol, diwylliannol a naturiol gorau yng Nghymru. Mae'r dref wedi gwel ....
Supply of 2 magnetic linkages for stirring a 100l bioreactor
Buyer : University of South Wales
The Sustainable Environment Research Centre-SERC undertakes national and world-leading research into waste treatment and the sustainable production of energy from waste and grown biomass. To achieve this, considerable investment has been made into th ....
TCC001668E - Upgrade of paths and cycle path linkages in Sean Healy park, Strand ....
Buyer : Tipperary County Council
The proposed works at Sean Healy Park comprises of new footpaths, hard paved areas and widening of the Blueway including associated landscaping and services/utilities to serve the proposed and future uses. The Suir Blueway will be extended to connect ....
Soft Market Test re Maintenance of the Rocker Linkages on the Tamar Bridge utili ....
Cornwall Council, on behalf of Tamar Crossings, is undertaking a soft market assessment exercise to gain an understanding of the potential level of interest from suitably experienced contractors and what might be possible, practical and achievable, i ....
AI-Curriculum-Connect (pilot) : To develop and deliver AI curriculum that enhanc ....
Buyer : Foreign & Commonwealth Office
AI-Curriculum-Connect (pilot) : To develop and deliver AI curriculum that enhances the linkages between academia and industry in AI and Data science ecosystem in Karnataka, and potentially with counterparts in the UK
Buyer : Orbital Marine Power
The objective of this ITT is to appoint a contractor to machine and fabricate 6 steel structures and 14 machined and coated pins to a detailed specification. This ITT will have a 2-stage process (3.4.2 Award Criteria). A minimum of 5 suppliers will p ....
Supply of 2 magnetic linkages for stirring a 100l bioreactor
Buyer : University of South Wales
The Sustainable Environment Research Centre-SERC undertakes national and world-leading research into waste treatment and the sustainable production of energy from waste and grown biomass. To achieve this, considerable investment has been made into th ....
Banbridge Linkages and Dromore Public Realm Project.
Buyer : Armagh City and District Council
Banbridge Linkages and Dromore Public Realm Project.
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