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North East Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), is a widely distributed stock which exhibits significant seasonal migrations. Having a solid understanding of these migrations, including occupancy of different areas, is critical to successfully manag ....
Charter for Mackerel Egg Survey in North Biscay, Celtic Sea, West of Ireland and ....
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites a tender from pelagic vessels of overall length greater than 55m to undertake an icthyoplankton survey for mackerel eggs in the region of North Biscay, Celtic Sea, West of Ireland and West of Scotland. The charter will be of 2 ....
Charter for Mackerel Egg Survey in Northwest Ireland and West of Scotland
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites a tender from pelagic vessels of overall length greater than 60m to undertake an icthyoplankton survey for mackerel eggs within the region of NW Ireland, W and NW Scotland. The charter will be of 16 days duration and start on ....
Bord Iascaigh Mhara 2020 - The provision of services to develop pin-boning techn ....
Buyer : Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board ( BIM )
The Contracting Authority is seeking a suitably qualified service provider with the appropriate technical expertise to develop and trial a bespoke automated pin boning prototype(s) for Atlantic mackerel over a 12-month period. The successful Tenderer ....
Mackerel Acoustic Survey North of Scotland.
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Ministers invites tenders from pelagic fishing vessels, of overall length greater than 55 m, to undertake an acoustic survey for mackerel north of Scotland in the area bounded by 58°N to 63°N and 05°W to 5°E.The charter will be 10 da ....
North East Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus), is a widely distributed stock which exhibits significant seasonal migrations. Having a solid understanding of these migrations, including occupancy of different areas, is critical to successfully manag ....
Charter for Mackerel Egg Survey
Buyer : Scottish Government
Marine Scotland invites a tender from pelagic vessels of overall length greater than 60m to undertake an icthyoplankton survey for mackerel eggs commencing in the Northern North Sea before continuing up and along the Norwegian Shelf and into the Norw ....
Installation of a Hydrogen Refueller at Mackerel Quay, Milford Haven Marina, Mil ....
Buyer : Pembrokeshire County Council
As part of the MH:EK project Pembrokeshire CC are commissioning a Hydrogen car refuelling station to be located on Mackerel Quay, Milford Waterfront, Milford Haven. The core purpose is to produce green electrolysed hydrogen on site using the electric ....
Mackerel Acoustic Survey North of Scotland.
Buyer : Scottish Government
The Scottish Ministers invites tenders from pelagic fishing vessels, of overall length greater than 55m, to undertake an acoustic survey for mackerel north of Scotland in the area bounded by 58°N to 63°N and 05°W to 5°E. The charter will be 10 da ....
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