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Buyer : Ministry of Defence
Following the issuance of a Prior Information Notice (PIN), dated 21 October 2024 (Ref. 2024/S 000-033964), the Authority would like to thank all suppliers who have expressed an interest in the Medium Range Precision Strike (MRPS) requirement. This s ....
1. Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), acting as an arm’s length body of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), is considering a new competitive procurement to acquire a beyond visual line of sight Medium Range Precision Strike (MRPS) system for deployed ....
WUTH-PCR-C303280 Minor, Small & Medium Works Framework
Buyer : Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (WUTH) is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for Minor to Medium Works of its sites. It is envisaged that the Framework Agreement will be split into 3 Lots although this may be subject ....
Development of a Good Work and Health Support Pathway for Suffolk Small and Medium Sized Enterprise (SME) employers to enable them to develop and/or maintain a healthy workforce through good work and healthy workplace principles. The overall aim of t ....
As part of the 1014 Medium-Term Residual Waste Treatment Contract Tender ECC wishes to invite interested providers to attend an online Bidder Day on 30 January 2024. The Bidder Day shall be set up as a Teams Town Hall meeting, for potential Bidders w ....
Provision of Places for Children Aged 2 - 10 Years, Welsh Medium, on behalf of F ....
Buyer : Newport City Council
Newport City Council is looking for interested parties to deliver a childcare service within the borough of Newport for children aged from 2 to 10 years old. A suitably experienced and Care Inspectorate registered provider of childcare is required to ....
HSE 15810 - Provision of Ad hoc Ambulance Services to Transfer Low and Medium Ac ....
Buyer : Health Service Executive (HSE)
The Contracting Authority is issuing this request for applications to participate in order to establish Panels for the provision of ad hoc ambulance services to transfer low and medium acuity patients between healthcare facilities (the “Panel”) f ....
New Medium Helicopter contract reference 702091450
Buyer : Unknown
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is considering the procurement of up to 44 New Medium Helicopters (NMH) to replace existing rotorcraft systems for Army and Strategic Commands. The scope of the contract will also include the provision of training capabi ....
Medium and Large Hotel occupancy data in Wales,
Buyer : Welsh Government
oThis data should cover current month and same month last year occupancy, Average Daily Rate (ADR), Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR), supply, demand, and revenue for each day of the month for the following segments area:1.Total Wales2.North Wales3 ....
C17CSAE/701556406 - Medium Weight Aerial Delivery (MWAD)
Buyer : Unknown
The Army requires the ability to airdrop equipment and vehicles to an all-up mass of 16,000kg from the Airbus A400M Atlas aircraft (A400M) to enable Air Manoeuvre, Theatre Entry, Land Force Sustainment and Humanitarian Operations. This requirement wi ....
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