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Free-Flow Charging Package C: Non-UK Enforcement Services
Buyer : highways england
National Highways is procuring (as a procurement agent on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport, as described in the National Highways framework document Annex C paragraph 2) a second generation free-flow charging service solution for the ex ....
Free-Flow Charging Package C: Non-UK Enforcement Services
Buyer : National Highways
National Highways is the government company charged with operating, maintaining and improving motorways and major (trunk) roads in England.National Highways has procured (as a procurement agent on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport, as de ....
Buyer : Transport for London (TfL)
The contracting authority (TfL) seeks to award a contract for the recovery of non-UK debt. TfL operates and enforces a number of Road User Charging (RUC) and Traffic Enforcement (TE) schemes throughout Greater London. These together contribute to the ....
1920CSTD10 Residential property purchasing by non-UK residents
This quantitative research project explores the decision-making process of non-UK residents who purchase residential property in England and Northern Ireland. The outcomes of this research may be used to inform future HMRC decisions in this area. We ....
Buyer : NHS Blood and Transplant
Plasma for import to NHSBT for the treatment of patients born on or after 1.1.1996 must be proven to be sourced from a country with lower incidence of vCJD than the UK. This is for an extension of the existing contract NHSBT0443 and has been put in p ....
Frozen, Non-UK Derived Pathogen Reduced Plasma
Buyer : NHS Blood & Transplant
NHSBT requires pathogen reduced plasma which will then be subsequently manufactured into FFP, Single and pooled cryoprecipitate for paediatric and neonatal use, for recipients born on / after 1.1.1996. Those recipients are deemed not to have been exp ....
Frozen, Non-UK Derived Single Donor Plasma
Buyer : NHS Blood & Transplant
Plasma for import to NHSBT for the treatment of patients born on or after 1.1.1996 must be proven to be sourced from a country with lower incidence of vCJD than the UK. This is for an extension of the existing contract NHSBT0443 and has been put in p ....
Free-Flow Charging Package C: Non-UK Enforcement Services
Buyer : Department for Transport
National Highways is the government company charged with operating, maintaining and improving motorways and major (trunk) roads in England. National Highways’ road network totals around 4 300 miles and is commonly known as the strategic road networ ....
Free-Flow Charging Package C: Non-UK Enforcement Services
Buyer : Highways England
The management of enforcement activities for vehicles registered outside of the UK including penalty charge notice payment processing, website provision and merchant acquirer services., The contract will deliver the implementation of a new solution a ....
GLA- 81898 CMF Non-UK National Rough Sleeper Services
Buyer : transport for london
The GLA is responsible for funding and commissioning pan-London and multi-borough rough sleeping services, projects and initiatives. Link to tender documents: ....
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