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The Environment Agency requires up to four (4) Inductively Coupled Plasma OpticalEmission Spectrometers (ICPOES) for delivery over a three (3) year period.
The Environment Agency requires up to four (4) Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers (ICPOES) for delivery over a three (3) year period.
DLSPIN2003 - X-ray Optical Components
Buyer : Diamond Light Source Ltd
Over the next several years, Diamond Light Source will have the requirement to purchase Beamline optical components such as slits, shutters, collimators, and filters capable of operating with both white beam and monochromatic x-rays generated by a sy ....
Cataract, RIOP and low vision services
The Supply and Delivery of an Optical Microscope
Buyer : University of Strathclyde
The PIN invitation relates to an open tender below the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) threshold for the supply and delivery of an optical microscope. A single supplier is required to carry out all aspects of the Contract. The successful su ....
Ring Sight Optical Systems Spares, Repairs and PDS Support
Buyer : MOD
Ring sight optical systems spares, repairs and PDS support.
Prior Information Notice - Optical Tables
Buyer : National Physical Laboratory
The National Physical Laboratory [NPL] requirement is for a number of science-grade laboratory tables for optics systems. These tables require a high level specification for vibration isolation, which may include supports to provide compressed air. S ....
Supply and Support of Electro Optical Infra-Red Airborne Turrets
Buyer : Unknown
Aircraft equipment. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment. The Authority is considering placing a contract for the supply of, and support for 40 Electro optical infra-red (EOIR) high definition turrets ov ....
Tender for Optical Tables for Physics Laboratory
Buyer : Swansea University
This Tender is for the supply of four optical tables with attendant active vibration isolation legs, and over-table shelving for the new Physics lab which is due to open on 3rd November 2017 in the Centre of NanoHealth building on the University’s ....
Development and Supply of Electro-Optical Sensors.
Buyer : Unknown
Security cameras. Development and Supply of Electro-Optical Sensors to replace an ageing fleet of 52 units.
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