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Framework Agreement for Maintenance, Repairs and associated works for Playing Pi ....
Buyer : durham county council
This Framework Agreement, the Contract, is for the implementation of a Framework for Durham County Council, The Authority, for the Maintenance, Repairs and associated works for Playing Pitches within the County of Durham. Pricing must be within the f ....
Playing Pitches - Barrow Borough Council
Buyer : barrow in furness borough council
Barrow Borough Council is looking for an external operator managing Council owned playing pitches and changing facilities on a ten year lease term starting from 1 November 2021. There are a range of options for delivery which operators can submit an ....
Playing Pitches in Barrow-in-Furness
Buyer : barrow in furness borough council
This tender relates to an external operator managing Council owned playing pitches and changing facilities on a ten year lease term starting from 1 November 2021. There are a range of options for delivery which operators can submit an interest in. Fo ....
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