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Support Service for Passengers with Reduced Mobility
Buyer : Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
HIAL have a requirement for the provision of a Support Service for Passengers with Reduced Mobility at Inverness Airport. HIAL airports are operated in accordance with the regulatory standards of statutory bodies including the Civil Aviation Authorit ....
HIAL wish to appoint a sole Service Provider to a Contract for the provision of assistance and related services to disabled persons and persons of reduced mobility at Inverness Airport.
The University's commitment is to reach Net Zero by 2035, using the Science Base ....
Buyer : University of Sussex
The University's commitment is to reach Net Zero by 2035, using the Science Based Target Initiatives methodology. This means that carbon emissions must be reduced by more than 90% across Scopes 1, 2 and 3. The aim of this tender exercise is to procur ....
Support Services for Passengers With Reduced Mobility - Inverness Airport
Buyer : Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
HIAL have a requirement for the provision of support services for passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) at Inverness Airport.The Service Provider will be expected to provide safe assistance to and from aircraft, and high-quality customer care, to pe ....
Research on preparers' use of FRS 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework
Buyer : the financial reporting council limited
THIS IS A CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE - THIS TENDER HAS BEEN COMPLETED/AWARDED. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries and sets the UK's Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes. The FRC is also a prescribed b ....
L23047-T-TG Provision of Services to assist Disabled Persons and Persons with Re ....
Buyer : London Luton Airport Operations Limited
LLA is looking for a contractor to provide a service to assist Disabled Persons and Persons of Reduced Mobility in accordance with EU Regulations and European Civil Aviation Conference Code of Good Conduct in Ground Handling for Persons with Reduced ....
Buyer : united kingdom atomic energy authority
The purpose of this contract is to facilitate the development of a plasma solution for STEP
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive procurement exercise.
ACC6038194 - Reduced Slamming Landing Craft (RSLC)
Buyer : defence science and technology laboratory
DASA Contract - Published For Transparency Purposes Only
Reduced Oxygen Breathing Devices
Buyer : ministry of defence
Supply of 2 Reduced Oxygen Breathing Devices ROBD's
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