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Genetic Evaluation of Cattle and Sheep
Buyer : AHDB
The collation, extraction and validation of genetic data to maintain the best possible pedigree files and other related genetic services within the cattle and sheep industry.
Cost Benefit Analysis to Establish the Economic Impact of Sheep Scab in Wales
Buyer : Welsh Government
Sheep Scab is reported as a significant problem for sheep farmers throughout Wales. We need to establish the current prevalence of this disease and assess the economic impact to industry.The requirement is to specifically assess and contrast the econ ....
Contract for the supply of hardware, software, support, training, and spares for a Sheep Dip solution for MOD cyber security.
Precision breeding technologies, such as gene editing, have the potential to improve the health and welfare of animals, and improve the sustainability and resilience of farming systems. Such technologies can enable new traits to be developed more pre ....
Sheepfolds Underpass - Public Realm Infrastructure Works
Design of a Mobility Hub Sheepfolds, Sunderland - Lot 3 - Architectural
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Design of a Mobility Hub, Sheepfolds, Sunderland
Outline Planning Application for Sheepfolds
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Outline Planning Application for Sheepfolds
Consultancy Pedestrian Subway, Sheepfolds
Buyer : Sunderland City Council
Consultancy - Pedestrian Subway Sheepfolds
Landscape Design and related Consultancy Services in connection with Development ....
Buyer : sunderland city council
Landscape Design
Quotation for Commercial Agent for Sheepfolds at Riverside Sunderland
Buyer : sunderland city council
Commercial Agent
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