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Network Rail is seeking to put in place a contract for the provision of helicopter services to deliver aerial survey work across its national infrastructure and estate. The contract will provide Network Rail with access to helicopter-based survey cap ....
Summary of scope of works: Geotechnical: Testing and sampling to obtain strength and stiffness health & safety plans and documentation. Particle size distribution of 3No. samples from the trial pits are to be taken. Locations to be agreed. Struct ....
COV - Maintenance & Survey work at War Memorial Park
Buyer : coventry city council
Location of leak with high pressure water engineer, full excavation and removal of spoil, shoring of excavation, pipework repair, backfill of excavation, compaction, reinstatement, site labour, machine hire and supply of materials at War Memorial Par ....
Survey Works at Lowerwood Court
Buyer : capitalesourcing
The building survey work at an underused car park beneath residential flats at Lowerwood Court.
Continued SCAH Survey Expansion work on the Weybridge site
Homes England - Multidisciplinary - Ecology Survey work- Crowland Street, Southp ....
Buyer : homes england (the name adopted by the homes and communities agency)
Ecology services to support proposals for residential development and associated works at Crowland Street, Southport
TII287_CCTV Survey Framework - CCTV Survey Works and Associated Services Framewo ....
Buyer : Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII)
TII intend to set up a Framework for the provision of CCTV Survey Works and Associated Services that will cover both TII's Public Transport and National Road Network and any associated works or services.This is a Framework Competition, Lot 1 is for L ....
Intrusive asbestos survey works - 35-39 Abington Street, Northampton
Buyer : west northamptonshire council
35-39 Abington Street, Northampton - To undertake Intrusive Asbestos Surveys and provide written Asbestos Demolition Survey Report in accordance with your tender submission.
Buyer : defra network etendering portal
Continued Survey Work Expansion at the Weybridge site
Drainage Survey Works at St Charles Hospital
Buyer : nhs property services limited
Drainage Survey Works at St Charles Hospital
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