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Tidal Lagoon Challenge: FLOMax - ORE/24/062
Buyer : offshore renewable energy catapult
The purpose of this single source justification is to appoint Intertek to carry out the following services as a subcontractor for the following work packages in the Welsh Government-funded Tidal Lagoon Challenge: FLOMax project, led by ORE Catapult: ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Government is considering how best it can support the market to develop a tidal range energy project on the Welsh coastline. The current preferred approach is to undertake a competition to identify suitable options., To inform its approach ....
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff - Fish Tagging and Tracking Scoping and Trials
Buyer : Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd.
Tidal Lagoon Power are tendering for the procurement of a scoping study and trials to identify the most appropriate method(s) for fish tagging and tracking in the Severn Estuary order to inform the modelling and assessment of impacts on fish for Tida ....
Provision of Financial Advisory Services - Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Contract for ....
Provision of Financial Advisory Services - Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Contract for Difference Negotiations
UK SBS BLOJEU-CR150039BIS-Assessing the Economic Potential of Tidal Lagoons in t ....
Buyer : UK Shared Business Services Ltd
Tidal lagoons represent a new approach to using tidal changes to generate low-carbon electricity. They work by utilising the differential between water levels inside and outside a lagoon, created by the rise and fall of the tides, to generate electri ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to conduct a soft market testing exercise to inform the nature and quantum of any support the Welsh Government could provide for the construction of a tidal range electricity generation project on ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to conduct a soft market testing exercise to inform the nature and quantum of any support the Welsh Government could provide for the construction of a tidal range electricity generation project on ....
Swansea - Tidal Lagoon and Real Estate / Property Development
Buyer : City & County of Swansea
The concept of a Swansea Bay tidal lagoon has been developed over recent years demonstrating its engineering feasibility, contribution to decarbonisation of energy production and economic development based upon the creation of new industrial capabili ....
Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay – Powerhouse numerical and physical hydrodynamic mode ....
Buyer : Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) PLC
Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Plc wishes to engage the services of an experienced hydraulic modeller experienced in the application of numerical computational fluid dynamic (CFD) assessment and physical hydraulic modelling of hydropower schemes. The work ....
Tidal Lagoon Cardiff - Fish Tagging and Tracking Scoping and Trials
Buyer : Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd.
Tidal Lagoon Power are tendering for the procurement of a scoping study and trials to identify the most appropriate method(s) for fish tagging and tracking in the Severn Estuary order to inform the modelling and assessment of impacts on fish for Tida ....
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