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Studentship Agreement: Understanding the risk & preparing for arboviruses TM ....
Buyer : University of Surrey
Arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are the cause of some of the greatest burdens to human and animal health worldwide. Two of these viruses Tembusu (TMUV) and Wesselsbron (WSLV) viruses cause serious diseases to livestock, they are zoonotic, and t ....
PHE_Scientific (Bristol and Cambridge) - Blood Borne Viruses (CapEx) Extension
Buyer : uk health security agency
UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has extended C50936 (previously ecm_6308) - PHE_Scientific (Bristol and Cambridge) - Blood Borne Viruses (CapEx) by one year and increased the contract value from £1,334,000.00 to £1,384,000.00.
This is a research project under the ICRAD ERA-Net. The overall goal of the NanoZoo project is to develop next generation baculovirus expression technology to go in a single step from synthetic gene to master seed production of viral antigens and to ....
Molecular Detection of Respiratory Viruses
Buyer : nottingham university hospitals nhs trust
Molecular Detection of Respiratory Viruses - reagent rental - 6 months
Ribosome profiling of suspension-adapted HEK293 cells producing adeno-associated ....
Buyer : Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
Services for the ribosome profiling of suspension-adapted human cells producing an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector.Human cells will be subjected to AAV production in parallel with controls. A range of samples (between 21 and 35) will be generated ....
Contract for the provision of analytical services related to immune cell respons ....
Buyer : university of birmingham
Contract for the provision of analytical services related to immune cell response to viruses and/or vaccination to the University of Birmingham
Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses Clinical Support
Buyer : Scottish Government
Scottish Government Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus (SHBBV) Team are seeking an appropriate person to provide clinical expertise to support the Scottish Health Protection SHBBV Strategic Leads, and to support Scottish Government’s HIV eliminati ....
Blood Borne Viruses Generic Medicines
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’)
This Framework Agreement is for the supply of generic medicines used in the treatment and prevention of HIV and the treatment of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C to health boards across NHS Scotland.The goods have been split into three (3) lots as follows ....
Co-ordinated capacity building for UK response to emerging arthropod-borne virus ....
In order to meet the threat of emerging arboviruses through provision of diagnostic assays and datasets to support policy decision making, Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and The Pirbright Insititute (TPI) are coordinating research activities i ....
Untargeted metabolomics of cell-free media from suspension-adapted cells produci ....
Buyer : Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
Cell Therapy Catapult Ltd is seeking through this Open Tender Process to contract with a suitably capable Bidder to provide the Services for the untargeted metabolomics of cell-free media from suspension-adapted cells producing adeno-associated viral ....
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