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Residual Waste Treatment service is part of the Re-thinking Waste strategy.
Buyer : surrey county council
The Council is procuring a new Contract for the disposal services for residual waste using the Competitive Dialogue procedure pursuant to the Regulations.
Ofgem required provision of a range of wholesale market commentary and analysis as well as provision of price assessments and near-to-real-time traded volumes data for a range of work area included price cap assessments and policy, and liquidity anal ....
***** THIS IS AN AWARD NOTICE, NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION ***** This procurement is being concluded following a competitive quote exercise. Award notice for the Supply of Polished scintillator volumes to UKRI-STFC
(NU/1737) Supply and Delivery of a Protein Purification System for Small Sample ....
Buyer : newcastle university
The University requires a protein purification system. The system must be a modular design with a large range of options to allow upgrade flexibility in purification of proteins including micro-volume conditions.
SPaTS Framework Lot 1: DMRB Volumes 10+11 Revision
Buyer : Highways Agency
DMRB Volumes 10+11 Revision.
Residual Waste Treatment service is part of the Re-thinking Waste strategy.
Buyer : surrey county council
The Council is procuring a new Contract for the disposal services for residual waste using the Competitive Dialogue procedure pursuant to the Regulations.
Transformation of Historical Census Volumes to Digital Data
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
Office for National Statistics (ONS) is seeking to let a contract for the provision of a specialist services to transform data held in historical census volumes into digital data. ONS (and its various forebears) have produced population statistics fr ....
Transformation of Historical Census Volumes to Digital Data
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
Office for National Statistics (ONS) is seeking to let a contract for the provision of a specialist services to transform data held in historical census volumes into digital data. ONS (and its various forebears) have produced population statistics fr ....
Specialist Services to Transform Historical Census Volumes into Digital Data
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
Invitation to Participate (ITP) along with indicative volumes are currently planned for publication here on 29/04/2019. The Authority would like to convert tables of aggregate data from the historical census volumes into digital data. A call-off cont ....
Specialist Services to Transform Historical Census Volumes into Digital Data
Buyer : Office for National Statistics
The Authority would like to convert tables of aggregate data from the historical census volumes into digital data. A call-off contract will allow the office for national statistics to focus on the published volumes from the 1961 Census and earlier ye ....
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