
Review the Application of Environmental Assessments in the Management of Nutrients in NI


3.1 To carry out a review of the application of environmental assessments in the management of nutrient inputs to the environment in Northern Ireland. 3.2 This objective will be achieved through review and critical appraisal of the following areas, as described further in Section 5: a. Evaluate the degree to which the environmental assessments carried out for the Nutrient Action Programme (NAP) and Future Agricultural Policy (FAP) are appropriate in the context of the risks posed to the environment from nutrient inputs. b. Review the evidence underpinning the need for, and development of, an appropriate assessment of nutrient inputs to aquatic ecosystems. c. Evaluate the links between the application of Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) of nutrient inputs to aquatic protected sites and other regulations such as the NAP and Urban Wastewater Treatment Regulations (UWWTR) d. Identify gaps in the application of environmental assessment for the management of nutrients and the risks nutrients pose directly and indirectly to protected sites. 3.3 The scope of this project will focus on the Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and HRAs conducted for the Nutrient Action Programme and Future Agricultural Policy in Northern Ireland. This element of the project will consider nutrient emissions to both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, inside and outside of protected sites. 3.4 Separate to this, the project will also have a focus on the need for, and scientific evidence underpinning, the development of an appropriate assessment (as required under Article 6.3 of the Habitats Directive) of nutrient inputs to aquatic protected sites and how this links with the NAP and other regulations, such as the UWWTR.


Published Date :

6th Feb 2025 20 days ago

Deadline :

10th Nov 2024 3 months ago

Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

3211110 - Durum wheat

3221320 - Salad leaves

3311120 - Plaice

3311600 - Whitebait

90480000 - Sewerage management services

90741000 - Services related to oil pollution

3142000 - Animal products

90913200 - Reservoir cleaning services

90712100 - Urban environmental development planning

90732200 - Polluted soil removal services

90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment

3221110 - Root vegetables

90521420 - Transportation of intermediate level nuclear waste

90731600 - Methane monitoring

90715120 - Chemical works or oil refinery waste site investigation

90721200 - Ozone protection services

3117120 - Plants used in pharmacy

3222113 - Mangoes

3222323 - Quinces

3211700 - Malt

3117100 - Plants used in perfumery or pharmacy, or for insecticidal or similar purposes

3311400 - Tuna

90741200 - Oil spillage control services

3222220 - Oranges

90670000 - Disinfecting and exterminating services in urban or rural areas

3311700 - Salmon

90511100 - Urban solid-refuse collection services

3221213 - Runner beans

90731500 - Toxic gas detection services

3418000 - Logs

90711500 - Environmental monitoring other than for construction

3114200 - Forage

90714100 - Environmental information systems

90733200 - Surface water pollution rehabilitation services

3116100 - Natural rubber

3222314 - Raspberries

90743000 - Services related to toxic substances pollution

3222300 - Non-tropical fruit

3417100 - Sawdust

90513900 - Sludge disposal services

3111500 - Sesame seeds

3221211 - Broad beans

90715260 - Foundry site investigation

90511300 - Litter collection services

3222342 - Wine grapes

3312300 - Aquatic invertebrates

90722300 - Land reclamation services

3420000 - Gums

90715210 - Oil depot or terminal site investigation

90711200 - Environmental standards other than for construction

3212213 - Dried peas

3130000 - Beverage and spice crops

3111100 - Soya beans

90715250 - Dry cleaning plants site investigation

90511000 - Refuse collection services

3418100 - Hardwood

3115000 - Raw vegetable materials

90731400 - Air pollution monitoring or measurement services

90713100 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste-water other than for construction

3143000 - Products of mixed farming

90733100 - Surface water pollution monitoring or control services

90513000 - Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services

3111400 - Cotton seeds

3221221 - Garden peas

3212211 - Lentils

90714000 - Environmental auditing

90733300 - Surface water pollution protection services

90513800 - Sludge treatment services

90700000 - Environmental services

3132000 - Unprocessed spices

3321100 - Bovine cattle

3121000 - Horticultural products

90520000 - Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services

90732910 - Nitrates pollution assessment

3222210 - Lemons

3111300 - Sunflower seeds

3121210 - Floral arrangements

3419200 - Mining timber

90722200 - Environmental decontamination services

90524100 - Clinical-waste collection services

90721500 - Toxic substances protection services

90742000 - Services related to noise pollution

3311220 - Pollock

3419000 - Timber

3411000 - Coniferous wood

3113200 - Sugar cane

90741100 - Oil spillage monitoring services

90521500 - Packaging of radioactive waste

3117200 - Seeds of plants used in specific fields

90523000 - Toxic waste disposal services except radioactive waste and contaminated soil

90714500 - Environmental quality control services

3313200 - Natural sponges

3131100 - Coffee beans

3222333 - Cherries

90714600 - Environmental security control services

3212100 - Potatoes

3322300 - Horses

3115100 - Raw vegetable materials used in textile production

90521410 - Transportation of low level nuclear waste

3221400 - Cabbage vegetables

90641000 - Gully cleaning services

3221112 - Carrots

3211900 - Grain products

90732400 - Soil pollution advisory services

90714300 - Sectoral environmental auditing services

3222331 - Apricots

3222111 - Bananas

3441000 - Ornamental plants, grasses, mosses or lichens

3113000 - Plants used for sugar manufacturing

3440000 - Forestry products

90522000 - Services relating to contaminated soil

3222112 - Pineapples

3222322 - Pears

3222400 - Olives

3422000 - Lac

90910000 - Cleaning services

90721600 - Radiation protection services

90430000 - Sewage disposal services

3325200 - Hares

90410000 - Sewage removal services

3321200 - Calves

3114100 - Straw

3325100 - Rabbits

3121100 - Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips

90731210 - Purchase of CO2 emission credits

90733400 - Surface water treatment services

3222118 - Kiwi fruit

3111200 - Peanuts

90524000 - Medical waste services

90721400 - Genetic resources protection services

90732920 - Phosphates pollution assessment

90715220 - Industrial site investigation

3222200 - Citrus fruit

90721300 - Food or feed contamination protection services

90513100 - Household-refuse disposal services

3221111 - Beetroot

3200000 - Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts

3131000 - Beverage crops

90712200 - Forest conservation strategy planning

3222315 - Cranberries

90530000 - Operation of a refuse site

3221120 - Tuber vegetables

90919000 - Office, school and office equipment cleaning services

90732300 - Polluted soil treatment or rehabilitation

3419100 - Timber products

3221210 - Beans

90521400 - Transport of radioactive waste

90523100 - Weapons and ammunition disposal services

90714400 - Activity specific environmental auditing services

3221260 - Mushrooms

3313300 - Seaweeds

90491000 - Sewer survey services

90512000 - Refuse transport services

3115130 - Flax

90523200 - Bomb-disposal services

3113100 - Sugar beet

90730000 - Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation

3417000 - Scrap wood

3221212 - Green beans

3120000 - Horticultural and nursery products

3144000 - Agricultural supplies

3212220 - Pulses

3116000 - Natural rubber and latex and associated products

90732500 - Soil pollution mapping

90680000 - Beach cleaning services

3131200 - Tea bushes

3212210 - Dried leguminous vegetables

3221220 - Peas

3221430 - Broccoli

3212000 - Potatoes and dried vegetables

90440000 - Treatment services of cesspools

90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services

90712300 - Marine conservation strategy planning

90481000 - Operation of a sewage plant

3311210 - Cod

3311110 - Sole

3211120 - Soft wheat

3142100 - Natural honey

90620000 - Snow-clearing services

3212212 - Chick peas

3221250 - Courgettes

3221300 - Leaf vegetables

3311500 - Whiting

90712400 - Natural resources management or conservation strategy planning services

90715110 - Gasworks site investigation

3221113 - Onions

90740000 - Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services

90642000 - Gully emptying services

90522100 - Removal of contaminated soil

90711400 - Environmental Impact Assessment EIA services other than for construction

90514000 - Refuse recycling services

3222120 - Coconuts

3222330 - Stone fruit

3400000 - Forestry and logging products

90522200 - Disposal of contaminated soil

90711300 - Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction

3114000 - Straw and forage

90731300 - Air pollution protection services

3222110 - Tropical fruit

90492000 - Sewage treatment consultancy services

90513700 - Sludge transport services

90742100 - Noise control services

90511200 - Household-refuse collection services

90711100 - Risk or hazard assessment other than for construction

3300000 - Farming, hunting and fishing products

3117000 - Plants used in specific fields

3321000 - Cattle

3432100 - Wickerwork

90722100 - Industrial site rehabilitation

3222332 - Peaches

3451300 - Shrubs

90610000 - Street-cleaning and sweeping services

90920000 - Facility related sanitation services

90490000 - Sewer survey and sewage treatment consultancy services

3222250 - Limes

90420000 - Sewage treatment services

90715280 - Food processing plant site investigation

90524300 - Removal services of biological waste

90743100 - Toxic substances monitoring services

3312000 - Crustaceans

90000000 - Sewage-, refuse-, cleaning-, and environmental services

90450000 - Treatment services of septic tanks

90731000 - Services related to air pollution

3116200 - Natural latex

90922000 - Pest-control services

3415000 - Softwood

3111000 - Seeds

3222312 - Gooseberries

90732900 - Nitrates and phosphates pollution assessment

90918000 - Bin-cleaning services

3121200 - Cut flowers

90513200 - Urban solid-refuse disposal services

3430000 - Cork

90742400 - Noise pollution advisory services

3222340 - Grapes

3222117 - Avocados

3142500 - Eggs

90919200 - Office cleaning services

3320000 - Cattle, livestock and small animals

90611000 - Street-cleaning services

3311230 - Hake

90714200 - Corporate environmental auditing services

3221410 - Cabbage

3313100 - Corals or similar products

3461000 - Wood pulp

90917000 - Cleaning services of transport equipment

3211400 - Barley

3222115 - Raisins

3222321 - Apples

3115110 - Cotton

90733600 - Transboundary water pollution management or control services

90732100 - Soil pollution protection services

90650000 - Asbestos removal services

90460000 - Cesspool or septic tank emptying services

90521200 - Radioactive waste storage services

90600000 - Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services

90911000 - Accommodation, building and window cleaning services

3221270 - Cucumbers

3322200 - Goats

90521510 - Packaging of low level nuclear waste

3221240 - Tomatoes

90731700 - Carbon dioxide monitoring services

3142400 - Waxes

3311300 - Herring

3211600 - Oats

90715000 - Pollution investigation services

90913000 - Tank and reservoir cleaning services

3333000 - Fresh cows' milk

3416000 - Wood waste

3112000 - Unmanufactured tobacco

3461100 - Chemical wood pulp

3212200 - Dried leguminous vegetables and pulses

3221420 - Cauliflower

90690000 - Graffiti removal services

90612000 - Street-sweeping services

3211500 - Rye

3221114 - Turnips

90732000 - Services related to soil pollution

90911100 - Accommodation cleaning services

3142200 - Snails

3211100 - Wheat

90721000 - Environmental safety services

3221440 - Brussels sprouts

3117130 - Plants used for insecticidal purposes

90733900 - Groundwater pollution treatment or rehabilitation

3312100 - Oysters

3460000 - Pulp

90912000 - Blast-cleaning services for tubular structures

90731100 - Air quality management

3100000 - Agricultural and horticultural products

3222310 - Berry fruit

90640000 - Gully cleaning and emptying services

90732600 - Soil pollution measurement or monitoring

3312200 - Shellfish

90522400 - Cleaning and treatment of soil

3341000 - Bovine ear tags

90720000 - Environmental protection

90531000 - Landfill management services

3111800 - Fruit seeds

90715200 - Other pollution investigation services

90732800 - Pesticides pollution assessment

3210000 - Cereals and potatoes

90513500 - Treatment and disposal of foul liquids

3111700 - Vegetable seeds

3323000 - Pigs

3331100 - Sheep's milk

3451100 - Bedding plants

90660000 - Deleading services

90715100 - Chemicals and oil pollution investigation services

90731800 - Airborne particle monitoring

90532000 - Coal-tip management services

90921000 - Disinfecting and exterminating services

90400000 - Sewage services

3222313 - Strawberries

3311240 - Haddock

3332200 - Animal hair

3000000 - Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products

3222341 - Table grapes

3324000 - Live poultry

3332100 - Shorn wool

90712500 - Environmental institution building or planning

3221230 - Peppers

3117110 - Plants used in perfumery

90521000 - Radioactive waste treatment services

90710000 - Environmental management

90900000 - Cleaning and sanitation services

3421000 - Balsams

3311200 - Fish of the cod family

3413000 - Fuel wood

3340000 - Animal ear tags

3140000 - Animal products and related products

90630000 - Ice-clearing services

90911300 - Window-cleaning services

3221330 - Artichokes

3311100 - Flat fish

90915000 - Furnace and chimney cleaning services

3142300 - Edible products of animal origin

3211300 - Rice

3322000 - Livestock

3221100 - Root and tuber vegetables

3221310 - Lettuce

3116300 - Latex products

3222114 - Dates

3222320 - Apples, pears and quinces

90732700 - Organic fertilizer pollution assessment

90470000 - Sewer cleaning services

3222100 - Tropical fruit and nuts

3432000 - Basketware

3131400 - Cocoa beans

3451200 - Flower bulbs

90742300 - Noise pollution monitoring services

3332000 - Wool and animal hair

3222230 - Grapefruit

3410000 - Wood

90733000 - Services related to water pollution

3222116 - Figs

3220000 - Vegetables, fruits and nuts

90743200 - Toxic substances rehabilitation services

90923000 - Rat-disinfestation services

3222240 - Tangerines

3451000 - Plants

3310000 - Fish, crustaceans and aquatic products

90712000 - Environmental planning

3111900 - Flower seeds

90522300 - Contaminated-soil treatment services

3325000 - Small animals

3222000 - Fruit and nuts

90733500 - Surface water pollution drainage services

90513600 - Sludge removal services

3141000 - Bulls' semen

3412000 - Tropical wood

3331200 - Goats' milk

90722000 - Environmental rehabilitation

90524200 - Clinical-waste disposal services

90533000 - Waste-tip management services

90715270 - Recycling plant site investigation

90742200 - Noise pollution protection services

90916000 - Cleaning services of telephone equipment

90513300 - Refuse incineration services

3111600 - Mustard seeds

90721800 - Natural risks or hazards protection services

90524400 - Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste

90924000 - Fumigation services

90715230 - Industrial waste site investigation

90715240 - Wood treatment plant site investigation

90721700 - Endangered species protection services

90914000 - Car park cleaning services

3330000 - Farm animal products

90731200 - Transboundary air pollution management or control services

90513400 - Ash disposal services

3222334 - Plums

90500000 - Refuse and waste related services

90731900 - Ozone depletion monitoring services

3221200 - Fruit vegetables

90741300 - Oil spillage rehabilitation services

3313000 - Aquatic products

3313310 - Algae

90523300 - Mine sweeping services

90711000 - Environmental impact assessment other than for construction

3221222 - Mange-tout

90913100 - Tank-cleaning services

3452000 - Trees

90911200 - Building-cleaning services

90511400 - Paper collecting services

90919300 - School cleaning services

3221340 - Spinach

3131300 - Maté

3211200 - Maize

3211000 - Cereals

90521100 - Collection of radioactive waste

3311000 - Fish

90721100 - Landscape protection services

3414000 - Rough wood

3331000 - Fresh milk from sheep and goats

3110000 - Crops, products of market gardening and horticulture

90521300 - Disposal of radioactive waste

90521520 - Packaging of intermediate level nuclear waste

90733800 - Groundwater pollution drainage services

90919100 - Cleaning services of office equipment

3115120 - Jute

3431000 - Natural cork

3222311 - Currants

3117140 - Plants used for fungicidal or similar purposes

3221000 - Vegetables

3450000 - Tree-nursery products

90733700 - Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services

3322100 - Sheep

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Status :


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Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors