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Loughs Agency Tenders Profile With Contracts and Procurement Overview
In terms of their procurement profile, Loughs Agency is most similar to organizations such as :
ET23_002_RBR - Reelin River Barrier Removal & Installation of Clear Span Bridge
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Subject to FundingWorks consist of a fish barrier removal with an installation of a clear span bridge. These works will take place at co-ordinates: 196185, 393781 (Irish Grid Reference). Full description of work requirements can be found in the appen ....
ET23_001_ASTT - Acoustic Signal Transmitting Tags for Insertion in Live Salmonid ....
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Loughs Agency are looking for Acoustic signal transmitting tags for insertion in live salmonid fish, sized for Atlantic salmon and Sea trout smolts.Tenders are invited on the basis of their ability to provide the equipment requested as outlined in th ....
Integrated Constructed Wetlands - Construction of three Integrated Constructed W ....
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Construction of three Integrated Constructed Wetlands (ICW’s) at three locations in Co. Donegal for the treatment of spent sheep dip effluent from three publicly used sheep dipping facilities. Each ICW work package will be considered as a single Lo ....
ET22_010_RFRW - Fisheries & Angling Improvement Project - River Finn Riparian Wo ....
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Loughs Agency is proposing to carry out fisheries improvement works along the Riparian zone of the Finn River in the Finn River Catchment, Co. Donegal downstream of the bridge at Glenmore to the confluence with the Corlacky Burn. The Riparian work wi ....
ET22_008_LACS - Communications, Marketing & PR Support Services (Subject to Fund ....
Buyer : Loughs Agency
The main objective of this RFT is to engage an advisor to support Loughs Agency in strengthening its identity and positioning within its catchments. This advisor will engage with Loughs Agency to support it, its communications team and any other supp ....
Riparian Tree Planting, Fencing - Riparian Tree Planting, Fencing and Instream W ....
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Riparian Tree Planting, Fencing and Instream Works on Finn River between coordinates 54.862285, -8.038209 and 54.860257, -8.020842, Bellanamore, Meenagolan, Finn River Catchment, Co. Donegal. The works will include the installation of fencing, stiles ....
ET22_009_EFP - Electrofishing Packs x4
Buyer : Loughs Agency
The Loughs Agency is seeking to purchase 4 Backpack style electro-fishing systems for use in environmental monitoring of fish stocks. This equipment will be used during the Agency's routine sampling of designated locations through the river catchment ....
ET22_007_RBR - Reelin River Barrier Removal & Installation of Clear Span Bridge
Buyer : Loughs Agency
Works consist of a fish barrier removal with an installation of a clear span bridge. These works will take place at co-ordinates: 196185, 393781 (Irish Grid Reference). Full description of work requirements can be found in the appendix under Specific ....
ET22_006_TSC - Transport of Shell Cultch
Buyer : Loughs Agency
A requirement exists for the transport of 500 tonnes of queen scallop shell cultch from a designated storage area located to the north of Lisahalley port 1.2km away. The storage area is located at 55.036291, -7.256648. The shell will need to be loade ....
ET22_005_CSV - Chartered Survey Vessel, Skipper & Crew
Buyer : Loughs Agency
A requirement exists for the charter of a licensed vessel with an appropriately qualified skipper and crew for a maximum of 2 days to conduct habitat enhancement works on native oyster beds by distributing shell cultch on the oyster beds in Lough Foy ....
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
Basildon and Brentwood; Castle Point and Rochford; Mid Essex; Southend and Thurrock Clinical Commiss
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