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T985 UoE 1960s Re-roofing Project - Phase 1
The University of Essex is seeking tenders for a project that comprises of the replacement of roof systems on the main academic estate and associated works to 3 no. roofs at the University of Essex (Phase1, Colchester Campus). Further phases will con ....
Hanley Park 1960s Pavilion Building Alterations
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Tenders are invited from interested parties for building restoration works at Hanley Park, Stoke-on-Trent Refurbishment works to the resident group building to west of Hanley Park. Works will include stripping out, replacing roof, new internal walls, ....
Hanley Park 1960s Pavilion Building Alterations
Buyer : Stoke-on-Trent City Council
Tenders are invited from interested parties for building restoration works at Hanley Park, Stoke-on-Trent Refurbishment works to the resident group building to west of Hanley Park. Works will include stripping out, replacing roof, new internal walls, ....
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