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Bread Rolls and Tea Bread Products
Buyer : The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)
Buyer : leeds city council
Supply of Bread Products urgent low value direct award
CCS005a Supply and Delivery of Bread Products
Buyer : derbyshire county council
Derbyshire County Council, The Council, Childrens Services Catering Service is seeking a supplier for the provision of the supply and delivery of bread products for schools and establishments located within the geographical area of Derbyshire and nei ....
PROJ000006960 - Contract for Bread Products for Irish Prison Service
Buyer : The Office of Government Procurement
The Minister for Justice on behalf of the Irish Prison Service (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the supply of the goods as describe ....
CPU 1987: Dairy and Bread Products
Buyer : Nottingham City Council
The Council was looking for suitably qualified supplier to supply and deliver dairy and bread products to multiple delivery points across the city boundary. The successful supplier must be capable of supplying and delivering dairy, bread and baked go ....
Contract for the Provision of Bread Products
Buyer : Gateshead Council
Contract for the Provision & Distribution of Bread & Bakery Products
The framework is for the supply and direct delivery sandwiches, prepared sandwiches and food-to-go products (incl. wraps, paninis, toasties, salads, ready-made pasta, sushi etc.). There is also a separate lot for Kosher sandwiches and food-to-go prod ....
TD0982-Supply and Delivery of Dairy Products, Bread Products and Fruit Juices.
Buyer : Derby City Council
Tenders are invited for the supply and delivery of fresh milk, cream, cheese, yoghurt, all variants of bread, crumpets, tea cakes, orange juice and apple juice.This is to serve approximately 17 Centres within the Derby area on weekdays only.Providers ....
TD0982-Supply of Dairy Products, Bread Products and Fruit Juices
Buyer : Derby City Council
Tenders were invited for the supply of supply of Dairy Products, Milk Products and Fruit Juices in respect of the Council's Children's homes and day care centres.
121_15 Sandwiches and Filled Bread Products.
Buyer : Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO)
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