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PRN24112 (PF21-024) Major Adaptation Works - 126 Crumlin Road
Buyer : Choice Housing
Choice Housing is looking to appoint a Contractor to complete the major adaptation works at 126 Crumlin Road. 2 Number extensions and internal alterations.
A467 Nwebridge to Crumlin – Rock Slope Remediation Scheme
Buyer : Caerphilly County Borough Council
The works were procured as an NEC3 Option B Contract and comprised of rock slope remediation scheme.This notice is to inform the market of a contract award
Buyer : Antrim Borough Council
Artificial Pitches Crumlin Recreation Grounds.
FI/PRO/TEN/429 - Addressing Manifestations - Crumlin United Social Club Kitchen ....
Buyer : Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
The project is the refurbishment of the kitchen within Crumlin United Social Club.The project is located at Mill Road, Crumlin, BT294XL. See Annex 1 location plan. Project Scope - the project includes the following elements;•replacement of kitchen ....
FI/PRO/TEN/429 - Addressing Manifestations - Crumlin United Landscaping Works
Buyer : Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
The project is the creation of a community garden located at Crumlin United Football Club grounds.The project is located at Mill Road, Crumlin, BT294XL. Project Scope - the project includes the following elements;•new timber gates and fencing•lan ....
Rosary College Science Lab SWS - Science Lab & Prep Room SWS 2022 at Rosary Coll ....
Buyer : Rosary College (Crumlin)
Complete refurbishment & upgrade of existing science & prep rooms, with new chemical stores, providing full Trespa or equivalent approved specification built-in furniture with adequate sinks, storage facilities for equipment, slip-resistant flooring, ....
RFT March2022 - Contract Cleaning Loreto College, Crumlin Road
Buyer : Loreto College (Crumlin)
The Board of Management of Loreto College Crumlin, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12, (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this Request for Tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the provision of the s ....
Tea/Coffee Concession inTwo Lots - Invitation to Tender for a Vending Trade Conc ....
Buyer : Dublin City Council
Dublin City Council is proposing to award a commercial concession for the sale of tea, coffee and associated refreshments in two lots:Lot 1: Eamonn Ceannt Park, Crumlin, Dublin 12 Lot 2: Fairview Park, Dublin 3.The concession will be for a period of ....
PRN1513 Land, Design and Build - Crumlin
Buyer : Choice Housing
The Employer wishes to secure a number of units of residential accommodation on sites within the area identified in the map at Section E of the Minimum Standard Questionnaire (Appendix 1). The Employer is willing to consider multiple offers for this ....
Loreto College Crumlin Window - Loreto College Crumlin Window Replacement and Re ....
Buyer : Loreto College (Crumlin)
Loreto College Crumlin Window Replacement and Refurbishment Works
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