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Buyer : coventry university
To express your interest and make a bid submission, please register (free) on our In-Tend portal: All correspondence should be received through In-tend. Description: CU services Ltd, a subsidiary of Covent ....
Provision of Summative Assessments for Launchpad (LP), Business Productivity (BP ....
Buyer : barnsley metropolitan borough council
Summative assessments are intended to provide an insight into project performance and give reliable evidence of their efficiency, effectiveness and value for money, as well as insights into what and why interventions work (or not), and lessons for th ....
EDT08 - Delivery of Summative Assessments and Evaluations of Two ERDF Funded Pro ....
Buyer : University of York
See attached documentation
LUV00887 — Additive Manufacturing Unit (ERDF Funded Project)
Buyer : University of Leicester
The University is seeking tenders for the purchase of an additive manufacturing unit required for an ERDF funded project.This procurement process is an OJEU open procedure, which is advertised on the University’s electronic tendering portal (Delta ....
LUV00887 — Additive Manufacturing Unit (ERDF Funded Project)
Buyer : University of Leicester
The University is seeking tenders for the purchase of an additive manufacturing unit required for an ERDF funded project. This procurement process is an OJEU open procedure, which is advertised on the University’s electronic tendering portal (Delta ....
Consultancy for an Independent Review of ACCELERATE an ERDF funded Project
Buyer : Life Sciences Hub Wales Ltd
Three stage evaluation of ACCELERATE, a health innovation technology accelerator project delivered across the whole of Wales to indigenous and inward-investing opportunities, jointly funded by the Welsh Government (WG) and the European Union (EU) thr ....
MarComms Consultancy Support for the eScalate ERDF funded project
Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) requires a supplier to deliver Growth Hub Business Programmes MarComms Consultancy Support for the eScalate ERDF funded project until 31 March 2022 / 31 Dec 2022 for ISfB support (LOT 1) and marketing ....
Supply and Installation of Cytometer System - ERDF Funded Project
Buyer : University of Birmingham
A versatile yet robust bench-top cytometer system is required for operation by multi-users in a general biomedical laboratory. It needs to support a wide range of techniques, be easily configured and maintained, and potentially suitable for upgrades.
Catering Services for ERDF funded projects at Lancaster University - AWARD
Buyer : Lancaster University
Lancaster University is seeking to appoint an established caterer to provide high quality, freshly prepared food, drinks and snacks for staff and visitors, linked to ERDF funded projects at Lancaster University. The successful supplier will be appoin ....
Catering Services for ERDF funded projects at Lancaster University.
Buyer : Lancaster University
Lancaster University is seeking to appoint an established caterer to provide high quality, freshly prepared food, drinks and snacks for staff and visitors, linked to ERDF funded projects at Lancaster University.The successful supplier will be appoint ....
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