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The footbridge currently present at this location is steel beamed with concrete block deck with timber handrails. In addition, a masonry abutment from a historic structure is present on the eastern bank. The footpath at this location is CH 14/11. The ....
Bridgwater College - Ilminster - Chard Monday to Friday during Bridgwater College term time only. Minimum overall capacity of 50 required. As part of your bid please provide full details of vehicle capacity, i.e. both seated and standing capacity. Re ....
612806 - A303 Horton Incl Ilminster Rbt EB & WB MP 222.9 - 225.9 RS
Buyer : national highways
To provide PC duties and resurfacing. To provide a works order completion certificate along with as-built information, on site test certificates along with PSV certification and product data upon completion of the works.
Swanmead School Ilminster Internal Re-modelling Works
Buyer : somerset county council
SCC is looking for a company who can provide works as detailed on the supplied drawings and specification in accordance with the stated aims and objectives within this SLOAC.
Building Repairs and Updating, Cemetery Lodge, New Road, Ilminster
Buyer : Ilminster Town Council
Ilminster Town Council invites written prices for remedial building and upgrading works to an older property, which is rented out as a dwelling. The works will include repointing, improving metal framed windows, improving access to loft area, boardin ....
Project Leader for Ilminster Recreation Ground Public Toilets Public Toilet and ....
Buyer : Ilminster Town Council
The public toilet block on the Wharf Lane Recreation Ground in Ilminster was badly damaged by fire at the beginning of July 2016. The fire was the result of a stolen motorbike being abandoned adjacent to the building. The insurance company has accept ....
Ilminster Fire Station Upgrade & Improvements
The Authority has awarded a contract for Upgrade & Improvements to Ilminster Fire Station.
Older People's Mental Health Nursing Homes in Somerset have been designed and commissioned to provide holistic and individualised therapeutic interventions which meet the holistic health, nursing, and social care needs of each person being suppo ....
ROW Winterhay Farm Footbridge, Ilminster (1825)
Buyer : somerset council
The footbridge currently present at this location is steel beamed with concrete block deck with timber handrails. In addition, a masonry abutment from a historic structure is present on the eastern bank. The footpath at this location is CH 14/11. The ....
Project Manager, Ilminster, Wharf lane Rec Play Area and Young Peoples Area Refu ....
Buyer : Ilminster Town Council
Project Manager, Wharf Lane Recreation Ground, Children & Young People's Play Area Refurbishment: Project Brief -Project management of the demolition and disposal of existing play equipment, impact surfacing and installation of new play and recreatio ....
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