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NCCA Corporate Website - Hosting, support and development of NCCA’s Corporate ....
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
A. Provision of secure hosting, maintenance of and support services for the website www.ncca.ieB. Maintaining or improving the current accessibility level of the websiteC. Potential development of new functionality and/or front-facing template webpag ....
NCCA_Aistear_LitReview - Development of a Literature Review to support updating ....
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The development of a Literature Review to support updating Aistear, the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework.Updating Aistear will provide an important platform for collaboration, deliberation and research with stakeholders, researchers and intereste ....
NCCA_Aistear_Consultation - Consultation with Babies, Toddlers and Young Childre ....
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
There has been considerable change in the context for the provision of early childhood education and care in Ireland since the publication of Aistear in October 2009 in terms of national developments, policies and strategies, curriculum and assessmen ....
NCCA_Primary_PIA - A research project into the processes of pedagogy integration ....
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The NCCA is reviewing and redeveloping the Primary School Curriculum (PSC). The Council is now inviting tenders to conduct a two-strand research project into the cognate processes of Pedagogy, Integration and Assessment, given their importance and pr ....
NCCA_CorporateWebsite2021 - RFT for NCCA Corporate Website 2021
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
RFT for support and development of the NCCA's corporate website.
NCCA RFT 2/2020 - Research on the impact of the introduction of the Framework fo ....
Buyer : National Council for Curriculum and Assessment
The NCCA seeks research services to undertake a multi faceted, multi dimensional study of the impact of the changes made as a result of the introduction of the Framework for Junior Cycle - Longitudinal study
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