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19-114 Our Lady Of Lourdes NS - New Extension and Refurbishment Works to our Lad ....
Buyer : Slieverue National School
The construction of a new single storey extension consisting of 1 no. new classroom, 2 no. new resource rooms, 1 no. assisted user wc and a new link corridor and refurbishment works to the existing school including the conversion of an existing class ....
Slieverue National School - Re-surfacing access works at Slieverue National Scho ....
Buyer : Slieverue National School
The works comprise re-surfacing access works to the existing school grounds to comprise re-surfacing works to the front of the school to new falls (overlaying existing concrete pavings) and removal of section of existing concrete playground o the rea ....
18_440_Ringville NS - Proposed construction of a school extension and associated ....
Buyer : Ringville Mixed National School
Tenders are invited in a fixed price lump sum for the above project comprising the following: the Proposed construction of a school extension and associated works at Ringville National School, Ballinlaw, Slieverue, Co. Kilkenny, including (Works will ....
Jonah Centre, Slieverue, - Refurbishments works
Buyer : Kilkenny and Carlow ETB
Refurbishment and upgrade works to the fabric of the existing school building including, external and internal upgrade works, site upgrade works. mechanical, electrical and fire safety upgrade works
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