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Grounds Maintenance, Arboriculture, Pest Control and Associated Estates Services
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA has a requirement for a single contract which covers the following main elements. - Grounds Maintenance - Tree Arboricultural works, which is classed as either Major or Minor, including surveying associated services contract. - Pest Control Ser ....
The services encompass essential maintenance of building systems to ensure safety, compliance, and operational efficiency. Key services include: • CCTV Systems • Access Control • Intruder Alarms • Emergency Lighting • Fire Detection and Sup ....
Demolition of Estates Buildings
Buyer : Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
1.6 The project consists of the Demolition and site clearance of the final remaining retained estate Buildings at Alder Hey Hospital
Consultant or Company to assist in appealing / revaluation of NNDR (Business Rates)
Estates & Facilities Management Neutral Vendor Framework
Buyer : HAT Enterprises Ltd
The Trust’s Trading Subsidiary, Hat Enterprises Ltd as the “Contracting Authority”, is tendering for a single Contractor as the “Neutral Vendor” Framework provider, to provide estates and facilities management services via their supply chai ....
NHSDG, Estates & Property - Water Hygiene & Legionella Prevention
Buyer : Dumfries and Galloway Health Board
Water Hygiene & Legionella prevention and Associated Works in accordance with guidance and statutory requirements in NHSDG properties throughout Dumfries & Galloway.
NHSDG Estates & Property General & Recyclates Waste Disposal Management Contract ....
Buyer : Dumfries and Galloway Health Board
The key services being sought are in relation to the management and disposal of general & recyclates waste generated and stored at NHSDG Estate wide properties throughout Dumfries and Galloway in accordance with all relevant statutory and guidance as ....
Grounds Maintenance, Arboriculture, Pest Control and Associated Estates Services
Buyer : United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
UKAEA requires primarily a Grounds maintenance contract, which includes the following associated Estates Services. • Routine Grounds Maintenance services of campus, including sports facilities(s) and internal planting • Minor and Major Arboricult ....
Estates Professional Services Framework
Buyer : NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and Golden Jubilee Hospital (hereafter referred to as ‘The Board’) Estates team regularly appoint a variety of external consultants to undertake scoping, design, tender and construction management activi ....
UKUPC is at the early stages of looking to establish a national Professional Services in Construction Framework consisting of seven service provision Lots. The framework will be governed by NEC 4 PSC, NEC4 PSSC andJCT terms and conditions. It will ru ....
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