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Preliminary Market Engagement for Affordable Housing Delivery in the Borough of ....
Buyer : Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Stockton on Tees Borough Council is keen to engage with organisations involved in the development and delivery of affordable and supported housing, to provide high-level feedback on the initial sites and approaches being considered by the Council, in ....
Stockton Health Transformation Funding
Working in coordination with Darlington and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Councils, TeesValley Combined Authority (TVCA) would like to reprocure bus service 6/6A, covering areasfrom Darlington - Stockton. The current service in operation is contracted unt ....
Stockton on Tees Borough Council CSKL Vehicle Rental Framework 2021 Lot 3 - Rent ....
Buyer : Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
Spec 1 - 1 x 12T 4x2 Dedicated 4mᶟ Salt Spreader c/w Snow Plough Spec 2 - 7 x 18T 4x2 Dedicated 6mᶟ Salt Spreader c/w Snow Plough
Provision of Proposed Bathroom Upgrade at Oak View, 37 Princess Avenue, Stockton ....
Buyer : Stockton Borough Council
Award of contract to Vickers Construction Ltd for Proposed Bathroom Upgrade at Oak View, 37 Princess Avenue, Stockton TS18 2EG
Further Comp for Civil Engineering £50k - £500k - Darlington to Stockt ....
Buyer : Durham County Council
Darlington Stockton Railway Links 5 & 7
Call off for Minor Works for the Provision of Replacement Glazing to Stockton Li ....
Buyer : Stockton Borough Council
Replacement Glazing at Stockton Library
Stockton & Darlington Railway 200 Festival (S&DR200), c/o Stockton Council, will manage and produce a co-created set of murals co-funded by Historic England and Railway Heritage Trust as part of their public programme for the Railway 200 cele ....
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Specialist Mental Health Residential Pl ....
Buyer : Stockton-on-tees Borough Council
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Specialist Mental Health Residential Placements within the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees - CQC registration Accommodation with Nursing and/or personal care
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