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Buyer : Phoenix Energy Group Ltd
Phoenix Energy Group Ltd, in conjunction with others, is soon to award a Contract for the provision of a new Pay As You Go (PAYG) Gas Meter and associated Meter Management System (MMS) - the introduction of which will involve a number of Gas Network ....
The Delivery Authority has undertaken a review of its near-term requirements for legal support for planning and consents, and this support is now not required as early as previously anticipated. In view of this the Delivery Authority has taken the de ....
The ISTARI Industry Day is a briefing from the Authority to Industry, aimed at providing an up-to-date report on the scope, vision and context status for ISTARI; the programme to deliver the UK’s Space Based – Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaiss ....
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to alert potential suppliers to a future opportunity for services with specific requirements related to cash disbursement for use by some DWP customers and some other central government department ....
Buyer : National Highways
National Highways would like to invite Social Enterprises to join the Social Enterprise Dynamic Purchasing System (SEDPS).
Buyer : Isle of Anglesey County Council
provision of transport services for Home to School Mainstream Education, Additional Learning/Special Needs (ALN/SEN), Post 16 and Ad Hoc Taxis.
Buyer : Natural Resources Wales
The aim of this Framework contract is to provide NRW with training and advice in the environmental assessment processes (HRA, EIA, SEA and SA), building capacity and enabling NRW to improve quality and consistency, thereby helping NRW to perform bett ....
To help Bangladesh meet its clean energy target of 40% by 2041, The UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is seeking eligible organisation/s to design and deliver a programme of Technical Assistance to the Sustainable ....
Buyer : Southern Water Services Ltd.
Southern Water Services (SWS) is anticipating that AMP8 will be the largest investment programme it has ever undertaken, given its plans for WINEP and WRMP, and the service it is seeking to deliver for customers. SWS now wishes to secure a range of s ....
Development of a technical Position Navigation and Timing (PNT) Policy is a key underpinning activity to enable the UK PNT Project Office (UK PNT PO) to deliver comprehensive and assured advice and guidance across Defence. With the current roadmap in ....
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