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The Skatepark Complex, incorporating the BMX track and skatepark, is in need of improvement but due to the size of the project the work is being phased. Phase 1 is the upgrading of the existing BMX track. An exciting project that will enhance the ove ....
Churchdown Parish Council BMX TRACK
Buyer : churchdown parish council
Churchdown Parish Council seek to award a contract for the design and construction of a new BMX track Applicants should contact the Clerk to Churchdown Parish Council at or phone 01452 713528 Tenders with design and costs s ....
Buyer : churchdown parish council
Churchdown Parish Council is seeking to award a contract for the design and construction of a new BMX Pump Track to replace the existing dirt track at Churchdown Park. The contemporary design will provide an accessible space for wheeled sports users ....
Feasibility Study Pump/BMX Track Jaywick Sands
Buyer : tendring district council
Feasibility study Pump/BMX track Jaywick Sands
Improvements to BMX Pump Track at Windmill Street, Macclesfield
Buyer : ansa environmental services ltd
Ansa Environmental Services Ltd ("Ansa") is a wholly owned and controlled company of Cheshire East Council ("the Council"). Ansa was formed in 2014 and is responsible for delivering the Cheshire East Council's waste collection, waste disposal, street ....
WCCC 22/279 - Design & Build a BMX Pump Track and Ancillary Works at Fairlane Pa ....
Buyer : Waterford City and County Council
Waterford City & County Council invites tenders from competent contractors for the design and construction of a BMX Pump Track at Fairlane Park, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford in accordance with the Works Requirements. Contractors will be required to show ....
Floodlighting for Andover BMX Track
Buyer : test valley borough council
The scope of works has been specified in the tender documents but broadly consists of the design, supply, installation, and commissioning of floodlights, at Andover BMX Track, which provide a minimum, uniform 200 LUX level across the track area with ....
ENQ542 - BMX Track Refurbishment for Osmaston Park
Buyer : derby city council
Derby City Council has been awarded funding from British Cycling for the construction of a dirt track with jumps and associated features on the site of the BMX pump track at Osmaston Park. This funding is part of the Places to Ride programme with the ....
Haverhill South BMX Pump Track
Buyer : haverhill town council
BMX Pump Track Construction, Haverhill, SuffolkDelivered in partnership with Community Action Suffolk and the Haverhill Community Trust, the Haverhill South People's Forum, funded using money raised through The Health Lottery, is being supported to d ....
ESPH TW BMX Race Track and Jump Area (ESPH420 LM) - AWARD
Buyer : Rother District Council
Rother District Council (the Council) sought to appoint a single contractor (the Contractor) to design and construct an improved BMX Track (the Track) and new Jump Area (Jump Area), collectively referred to as the BMX Facility at Sidley Recreation Gr ....
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