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CivTech Challenge 10.1 - How can technology identify and measure firefighter exp ....
Buyer : Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
Firefighters are routinely exposed to a variety of contaminants during and after fire incidents. These contaminants can include chemical, biological, and particulate matter that pose significant health risks. The issue of contaminant exposure is both ....
Health surveillance programme for noise exposure and hand arm vibration exposure ....
Buyer : N/A
Provision of mpox post exposure vaccine
Buyer : NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
An Urgent Award using Regulation 14 has been made for the provision of mpox post exposure vaccine to be delivered to NHS GM ICB. The reason for the urgency was not foreseeable by and not attributable to the relevant authority due to MPOX being declar ....
Assessment of drift exposures to edge of field surface waterbodies
Buyer : Health & Safety Executive
A bespoke drift trial data set to validate the existing work developing the UK drift curve. There is a lack of available field data that assess drift exposures from in field applications. This trial will enable better understanding of the contributio ....
GB Food Additive Exposure Assessment Tool (GB FAET) - Phase 1
Exposure Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide (Entonox) at Chesterfield Royal Hospital
GB Food Additive Exposure Assessment Tool (GB FAET) - Phase 1
There is emerging evidence that some staff working to support suicide prevention ....
Buyer : east sussex county council
There is emerging evidence that some staff working to support suicide prevention in an administrative, secondary capacity may experience symptoms associated with Vicarious Trauma resultant from their work. Though not necessarily in direct contact wit ....
The role of identity formation in protection from, or exposure to, serious youth ....
Buyer : department for education
To explore the role of identity in violence and offending in children and young people, and how interactions and experiences with different systems of support can positively or negatively influence identity formation in children, the extent to which ....
The Environment Agency is a key delivery partner for the Defra 25 Year Environment Plan. The EA have been monitoring data for over 1500 chemicals that can be used to measure exposure at a single point in time, but there are no suitable measures of th ....
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