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Green and Grey Belt Review - Stage 1 and Stage 2 (Stage 2 to be confirmed)
Buyer : Nuneaton and Bedworth BC (NUN)
The aim and purpose of the proposed Green and Grey Belt Review - Stage 1 is to provide the Council with an objective, evidence-based and independent assessment of how the parts of the West Midlands Green Belt, that fall with Nuneaton and Bedworth Bor ....
This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) confirmation of contract award notice. This contract has been awarded under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Cont ....
Community support to people with learning disabilities and/or autism in Gateshead.
Due to the ongoing growth and development of the Open Banking market, Crown Commercial Service (CCS), as the Authority, intends to put in place an agreement for Open Banking Services for use by Central Government and the Wider Public Sector. The Agre ....
Backing Local Firms: grants to reduce carbon in the built environment
Buyer : Federation of Master Builders
The Welsh Government wants to support local suppliers and assist them to become skilled in areas that will contribute to carbon reduction in the built environment.A competitive grant scheme is being run across Wales covering five separate regions – ....
Provision of a Confirm Enterprise Solution
Buyer : North Lanarkshire Council
This procurement is for the provision of an interactive software solution between the Council and Customers to support the delivery of Environmental Facilities, Arboricultural and Cemeteries Services.
Firmus Energy Construction and Maintenance Works and Services Contract
Buyer : Firmus Energy (Distribution) Limited
Meet the Byer event for Taxi firms only
Buyer : Newport City Homes
This notice is to advertise a Meet the Buyer Event. NCH are starting the process of a procuring contract for taxi services around the Newport area.The Event will take place on 14th October 2016 9:00am till 11:30am and will be held at our main office, ....
Firmware Feature Enhancement Support
Buyer : UK Research & Innovation
Design and modification to existing firmware
Contingency Planning for Multi Firm Failure
Buyer : Financial Conduct Authority
Provision of specialists to assist the Resolution & Insolvency team in a multi firm failure event.
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