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To undertake maintenance and aftercare of planted saplings for the LIFE in the R ....
Buyer : Natural England
Provide a service to perform aftercare on planted saplings in ravines woodland of the Derbyshire Dales. The work involves removal of weeds and re-planting dead saplings and replacing damaged tree stakes and shelters. Materials, including saplings to ....
CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - LEN1/67 - Remove and treat close growing sapli ....
Buyer : national highways
CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - LEN1/67 - Remove and treat close growing saplings and pressure fill and point fractures to abutments. Erect timber post and rail fencing on all approaches and parapets of bridge and extend as necessary to prevent acc ....
HRE - CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - SWD/14 - Remove saplings and trees growi ....
Buyer : national highways
CLOSED BRANCH LINES MINOR WORKS - SWD/14 - Remove saplings and trees growing within 1m of structure parts. Treat root systems to prevent re growth. Remove tree leaning against south parapet. Cut out and repair odd small areas of brickwork. Patch poin ....
Buyer : Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth University wishes to procure (a) a control system, (b) a 2D/3D imaging system as well as (c) the ability to integrate new third party or bespoke modalities in the future for the large plant phenotyping platform, (hereafter referred to as ....
To supply tree planting stock for the LIFE in the Ravines Project for Autumn/Win ....
Buyer : Natural England
To supply 35,890 saplings of specified native hardwood saplings suitable for planting in Tilio-acerion ravine woodlands, via batched deliveries to three project sites. Supply and delivery to take place between September 2024 - March 2025. Quantities, ....
To supply Tree Planting Stakes for the LIFE in the Ravines Project for Autumn 20 ....
Buyer : Natural England
To supply 9,600 tree stakes to support saplings. Stakes must: be 1.6m in height, between 28x28mm, 30x30mm or 32x32mm in width, of Robinia or alternative sustainable hardwood resistant to rot and FSC or PEFC certified (supplier must provide traceable ....
Provision of Woodland and Farmland Tree and Hedge Planting Stock, Sundries Plant ....
Buyer : Norfolk County Council
For the 2024/2025 planting season Norfolk County Council will be offering subsidised tree packs to individuals, homeowners, schools, community groups, private landowners, and tenant farmers. We will be offering bundles of different species. Intereste ....
Award of 714_1355 - Grass Cutting along Walking & MTB Trials, including Way Mark ....
Buyer : Forestry and Land Scotland
Dear supplier,We are inviting tenders for cutting soft vegetation (grasses, bracken/ferns, brambles, nettles, rushes, small encroaching saplings etc.) along the verges of trail including mountain bike trails, walking paths and other trails often in r ....
Invitation to tender - Regenerating conifer control - RSPB Forsinard Flows
Buyer : RSPB Scotland
Removal of non-native regenerating trees and saplings using Chainsaw, Clearing saw and Hand tools. The work involves the removal of non-native regenerating conifer trees and saplings. This work will enhance the conditions of the area promoting a heal ....
CWF 2A - A323 Threapland Bridge C2001 - Bridge Repairs
Buyer : cumberland council
The Council wishes to procure the following work:r The Principal Bridge Inspection (PBI) undertaken in 2021 highlighted some high priority defects at Threapland Bridge that need remediation.r r It should be noted that where open mortar joints or join ....
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