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Media Agency to support BU’s Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Recruitmen ....
Buyer : Bournemouth University
Undergraduate Recruitment Marketing & Advertising Services
Buyer : Swansea University
Swansea University is tendering for the services of an independent advertising planner and buyer to assist with the University’s recruitment marketing activity which is targeted at attracting and recruiting prospective students (and reaching their ....
Buyer : Swansea University
Swansea University is seeking a supplier for the provision of Undergraduate Marketing Campaigns
A one month agreement with UCAS for an analysis of undergraduate applications.
For the Provision of an External Supplier for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Stu ....
Buyer : kingston university
Kingston University (the "University") wishes to invite competitive tenders for the provision of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Assessment Centre Delivery from May 2024 as detailed in the Specification in Section 2 and accompanying tender doc ....
To enable the development of 4-year undergraduate medical degree programmes, a full curriculum review mapped to the GMC's Outcomes for Graduates and the delivery of a subsequent prototype full curriculum.
Buyer : university of kent
This contract is for the printing and delivery of the University of Kent Undergraduate Prospectus 2025. The work needs to adhere to agreed specifications and timescales. First bulk delivery date 12th February 2024; second bulk delivery date 1st May 2 ....
Evaluating Health Education England's Undergraduate Pharmacists Clinical Placeme
Buyer : health education england
Evaluation of Health Education England's Undergraduate Pharmacists Clinical Placement Pilots (2021-22)
Undergraduate training and education Imperial College School of Medicine (ICMS)
Buyer : health education england
Funding for the education and training of the health and social care workforce.
Buyer : Health Education England
Blended Nursing Degree
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