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Digital Communities Wales - Mobile Data (ITT Cwmpas 200223DS)
Buyer : Cwmpas
Cwmpas wishes to appoint a Contractor to deliver the following items:•480 12-month unlimited 4G data sims (fair usage minimum 50GB per month)•Facility to self-manage SIMs in real time (e.g. activation, suspension and reassignment of SIMs) via a p ....
Buyer : Cwmpas
We require an equipment refresh for a number of Cwmpas staff. In line with our procurement policy to refresh equipment, where possible, at 3 year intervals. As a result we are seeking experienced and innovative ICT hardware companies, to be placed on ....
Cwmpas ICT Support Services 0822
Buyer : Cwmpas
Cwmpas wishes to engage in a three-year strategic partnership with the selected ICT support supplier. Cwmpas currently employs approximately 103 staff and some 3rd party consultants who work on our behalf and occasionally access our systems.We are se ....
Buyer : Cwmpas
The principal outputs of the 3 year contract, is to provide a cloud based Telephone System plus relevant support and maintenance for this system and to update and improve services, cost savings, effectiveness, and resilience.In particular future proo ....
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