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Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), the Greater Manchester Housing Providers (GMHP), and the GM Race Equality Panel (collectively, 'the Commissioners') seek fresh insight to inform a strategic approach to correcting racial inequal ....
The requirement is for an independent company to conduct a review of the effectiveness of the funding allocated for maritime training. The MCA will require a comprehensive report detailing the findings and providing recommendations.
Buyer : Home Office
This RFI is an information-gathering exercise to support future direction and decision-making in this area and to establish potential suitable alternatives to current providers. The strategic principles for the development and approval of Counter Dro ....
Buyer : Home Office
The Authorities seek to determine market potential and consider market views on the requirements with a view to ensure such views are considered for any potential procurement that the Authorities may wish to launch.No information contained in this RF ....
Understanding Effective Flood Risk Governance Expression of Interest
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
This project will explore the governance of flood and coastal erosion risk in England and Wales. Firstly, it will examine the current framework, to identify the roles, responsibilities and effectiveness of different types of risk management authoriti ....
Research – how to effectively engage with the domiciliary care workforce in Wa ....
Buyer : Social Care Wales
In November 2015, the Minister of Health and Social Services announced home care workers (domiciliary care workers) and those working in care homes must also join the register to ensure that only those who are fit to practise are allowed to work in t ....
Expression of Interest for Revisiting oestrogenic effects in wild fish: assessin ....
Buyer : Defra Network eTendering Portal
The Environment Agency is proposing to undertake an investigation of sufficient size and scope to robustly investigate current levels of intersex and other oestrogenic effects in wild fish populations. This new study would seek to replicate the sampl ....
Monitoring the Effect and Measuring the Impact of Change in the Gwynedd and Angl ....
Buyer : Cyngor Gwynedd Council
A contract to monitor and measure the impact of the Consortium’s pilot project, and the implementation of the Planning, Delivery and Monitoring Cycle, to date as regards the changes initiated, effected and achieved in post-16 learning in the areas ....
Rapid Evidence Assessment: Effective Delivery of Advice, Information and Guidanc ....
Buyer : Welsh Government
The Welsh Government wishes to commission a rapid evidence review to assess evidence related to the effectiveness of the different delivery mechanisms service providers use to provide information, advice and guidance to members of the public. There s ....
Research into the effective engagement of Tourism SMEs within the Hospitality an ....
Buyer : WRAP
The purpose of this work is to determine the best approach to drive behaviour change among tourism SMEs in Scotland and Wales to prevent food and packaging waste arising and increase recycling rates.The key requirements of this project are:A.An asses ....
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